Mean Girls
I could find about a hundred things to nitpick here, having gone to girls’ school and gathered reams of firsthand anthropological data on “girl world” sort of against my will, but the fact is that I loved the movie. I especially loved 1) Damian, and 2) Kevin Gnapoor, who is totally the Indian Richard Coad, and I mean that as a compliment. And Lindsey Lohan is quite charming. The only real complaint I have: if Regina George is ostensibly the queen bee here, shouldn’t the casting director have selected an actress who didn’t need quite so obvious a wig? But other than that, I really really liked it, and I considered Tina Fey too smug for school prior to seeing it but now she’s cool with me. Which I’m sure she’s relieved to hear. Heh. (5/27/04)
Tags: movies