Articles by Sarah D. Bunting
Hello Sars,
Sometime back in 1976-1980, I had a Snoopy plush doll that was about 10″ (or so) tall, and one could buy outfits for him separately.There was a motorcycle outfit, a baseball outfit, a pajamas …
I have a question for you and/or the readers, and it’s kind of a dating etiquette question, but with legal overtones too.
A few weeks ago I met the Guy on a blind date, and we’re …
I really can’t say it better than Wing and I said it in the TWoP book. So, I won’t. (Awesome image via Pop Hangover.)
Arthur, Bea. Bea Arthur starred in Maude and The Golden …
1) The Boosh, who has just departed for her new home with 2) Miss Laura. Yay for both of them! And thanks again to 3) Elena at S.I. Feral Initiative, and to all …
Dear Sars,
My husband is driving me crazy. He’s trying to remember a song he heard, oh, maybe five or 10 years ago, about the world ending (and no, it isn’t REM’s “End of the World …
On balance, an excellent read in spite of some frustrating overwriting.Plum-colored prose is a frequent fault of baseball books that I can tolerate at some times better than at others; here it’s bothersome because Verducci …
The latest 90210 recap at
The Wilsons have finally sold their house in Kansas. The sole purpose of this development is apparently to inspire a subplot about Harry refusing to sell his Big Mouth Billy …
Hey Sars,
I can’t shake these feelings I have for a guy.
We dated for less than three months in the summer of 2007 (geez is right). Met at work, started light flirtations, and then took the …
I have another foster cat. Her provisional name is “the Tiny Boosh” (her silly shelter name is “Babooska [sic],” which obviously could not stand), but “La Bouche” is equally appropriate, as girlfriend weighed only …
Hi Sars,
I have a question for you and your readers about a vaguely remembered book from my childhood that I’ve been wondering about off and on for years.It was a Young Adult book; I think …