Articles by Sarah D. Bunting
Hi Sars,
I’m looking for a horror movie I saw on TV as a kid sometime in the early ’80s — it could even have been a TV movie. It was about a house that kills …
“That’ll teach me to leave a broad alone with a bottle of scotch and a Topsy Tail. Never again, Mac.”
I finally made it through this one last week, despite Humphrey Bogart’s well-documented Ambien-esque effect …
“I still haven’t heard from you about the prize I won/donated in the contest!”
I’m so sorry about that; I know it’s taking a long time. The system I’m using to distribute the prizes is designed …
About three or four years ago, I found these great bobby pins at a local chain drugstore. They’re not the brown/black/brassy cheap-looking kind with the weird ridgey top. These were smooth with a slight curve. …
1. Something that is built haphazardly/slapped together/makeshift is:
a) jury-rigged; b) jerry-rigged
Both appear in the 11c; “jury-rigged” is the older construction. Which do you use?
2. Something that is built hastily/built poorly/looks cheap is:
a) …
Hi Sars,
For one of my jobs, I need to compile a list of verbal pet peeves — the “if you will”s, “Joe and myself”s, and other grammar- and style-related mistakes that the unknowing often …
When it hens, it pours: reader Ken R. hepped me to the This American Life episode from a week ago called “Poultry Slam,” and I haven’t listened to it yet, but I can’t wait to …
Robert T. emailed me earlier today with a link to Changing The Present, a site that serves as a sort of clearinghouse for worthy causes — you can browse all sorts of non-profits that support …
Hi, Sars —
I have a software-related question I hope you or your readers could help me with. My boyfriend mentioned that he wanted some sort of picture software. Basically, I think he wants something that …
Sars —
Can you recommend a book on New York City that chronicles its historical, political, and social evolution from its discovery to today? I want something that is thorough, but readable, more like Peter Ackroyd’s …