Articles by Sarah D. Bunting
Dear Sars,
I have noticed how much you despise the word “irregardless,” and I also
have a word pet peeve. I have a severe dislike — no, hate for the words
“flammable” and “inflammable.” I mean, what’s the …
At least a dozen people have written to me since yesterday’s batch of letters went up, asking about “the Garner.” I thought I’d linked to the book on Amazon enough times that y’all knew what …
I come from a caring, loving family whose company I enjoy. I do not, however, come from a mellow, noncompetitive, “it’s not whether you win or lose” family, because in the Bunting family, winning is …
Hi, Sars —
Just a quick note to Ex-Rapunzel: She may want to consider donating all
that hair to a charity like Locks of Love. It’s a non-profit organization that makes
hairpieces for underprivileged children who are suffering …
I’m not sure really how to begin my letter, but I wondered if you (or any of
The Vine’s other helpful readers) might be able to offer some advice. I’ll
get to the point.
I have a friend …
Hi Sars,
I’m almost
three years out of college, and have been working
full-time, in an office, in a cubicle since then. Now,
I work in the music industry, so my job tends to be
pretty fun and fairly stimulating …
Dear Sars,
I have to write in regard to the chick who is pissed at her friend for cramming religion down her throat via email. What struck me about her letter was the fact that this …
Just read Lazy Bum’s letter to you, attesting to his inability to
concentrate, listlessness, lack of motivation, and other general concerns.
If I had written you a letter two years ago, I’d have sounded exactly as he
did. …
Hey Sars, I got a quick cat question for ya, if you’ve
got the time.
About 45 minutes ago…damn, it was the funniest
thing. Bob (youngest cat) was sniffin’ around in a
plastic bag, and I leaned over to …
In my nearly thirty years on earth, I’ve gone to just about every possible kind of show, in just about every possible category of venue. I’ve seen Madonna at Madison Square Garden, I’ve seen honky-tonk …