Articles by Sarah D. Bunting
Hi Sars,
Need a little cat-related advice and so am asking a dumb
question. I’ve been reading through your old TN columns and I
recently came across the one in which you rant about not
being able to find …
1. Stand in front of the bathroom mirror and perform the voice-over for a Discovery Channel documentary on spelunking. “While stalactites often take millennia to form, this fine specimen — composed entirely of snot — …
Another thought for “Online and in public?” — having a public online journal means accepting the possibility of
anybody reading it.There’s no such thing as security out of
politeness, and security through obscurity (i.e. not telling people) …
Dear Sars,
I’m pretty sure this is going to be one of many letters, but I just wanted to add to what you told Bag in PA.Get out.Please, get out now.Adults do not hit other adults …
I just wanted to add my two cents to the emails you’ll no doubt receive
about Loyal Friend’s dilemma. When we were 24, my spouse and I faced a
similar situation when his (much older) sister asked …
Dear Sars,
Re: your response to Sharpening The Butcher Knife: I have an
almost-nine-year-old boy, and children of this age can be difficult.I
thought your response was right on; I completely agree that Rosemary doesn’t
seem to take the …
Hey there, Sars —
Like any clichéd advice query, it starts with a break-up. My boyfriend of
four years recently decided that our relationship was not what he wanted.
Very sad and crappy for me, but it’s his …
Hi Sars,
Add me to the countless people who felt the just had to fire up Outlook to respond to your advice to NNV. I actually agree with you whole-heartedly, but I had to add this: …
Dear Sars,
My problem is this.When I was in high school, I dated a guy for about five
months.It was a very intense relationship, so you can imagine my surprise
when he broke up with me, out of …
My mom gave me a Twin Towers calendar for Christmas — twelve months of various views of the World Trade Center. It hangs beside the door in my kitchen, where I’ve always hung my calendars, …