Articles by Sarah D. Bunting
It is the job of the fifth-grade girl to master all things Ew, Gross. She must seek out Ew, Gross tirelessly; she must react to Ew, Gross with melodramatic shrieking, squirming, eye-shielding, and simulated gagging; …
Hi Sars,
Okay. There’s this boy. I’ve known him for about two years, and I’ve been seriously interested in him — strongly infatuated with him, anyway — for a ridiculously long time now, a little over …
An interesting (if by “interesting” I mean “infuriating and rage-inducing”) situation blindsided me yesterday, and I thought I’d run it past you.
Two of my closest friends are getting married in August (as in marrying each …
Hey there Sars —
I have a problem that I’m pretty sure has never been covered in your illustrious column. See, my otherwise lovely and well-behaved husband is a compulsive talker.
And when I say “compulsive,” I …
Sars —
Generally your advice is spot-on, but your comments to Closet Case resemble pretty much what most non-gay people seem to think is the best advice for people who are still in the closet: reassurance …
I recently received a rather acidic email from a reader, demanding to know how I could “review” the AFI’s 100 Greatest Movies if I hadn’t seen half the films on the list. Well, I’ll tell …
Hey Sars,
I had a cat that also loved nothing more than peeing and/or crapping on the bathmat, but the bathmat ONLY. The vet remarked that the rubber backing on bathmats smells like ammonia to cats, …
Dear Sars,
I love The Vine. Your responses are consistently perceptive, on target and entertaining. I have yet to disagree with any advice you’ve given, so I feel rather strange writing in to add to a …
Dear Sars,
I have been thinking about writing for quite some time and am not sure I am doing the right thing, but I am kind of stuck on someone and it is hard to figure …
Dear Sars,
I’ve been reading The Vine for months, and now I have a question I know you can help me with.
I was having a discussion with a friend of mine the other day about homographs. …