Articles by Sarah D. Bunting
Hi, Sars —
I know you’re not a guidance counselor but I’m looking for some life advice. My life seems to have always been guided by someone else’s decisions or no decision at all. From high …
Sars —
Just a thought about the girl mulling over life with Mike. In her letter, she mentions being attracted to/crushing on other guys, and that those feelings are making her question being with Mike for …
Dear Sars,
I have a psycho neighbor. He lives in the apartment under me. The building is not well constructed and I have an idea that insulation was unknown to whoever did the actual construction. I …
Regina: Standard, garden-variety “normal and nice.”
Sarah: But not gooey, starry-eyed “normal and nice.”
Regina: No. Just “normal and nice.”
Sarah: And not the “he always seemed so normal and nice until the SWAT team broke down his …
Dear Sars,
I recently went up to Vancouver on a mini-break and came back not only totally on Canada’s jock but also on that of a local boy. I told one of my guy friends about …
Hi Sars,
I read the letter in the Vine about the FTM who is acting all jerky. A good friend of mine is also an FTM, and I have to say that the hormone treatments do …
Oh Wise Sars —
My boyfriend is FTM trans — meaning that he’s psychologically male, but has a female body. He’s just started coming to terms with his gender identity, and I’ve been pretty supportive along …
Notice that bottom of underwear drawer is visible.
Let two days pass.
Notice that most of bottom of underwear drawer is visible. Also notice rather gungy appearance of bathmat.
Let two days pass.
Spend ten minutes searching sock drawer …
On this day seventeen years ago, my father’s company transferred him to a satellite office in Peru.
Okay, not really, but check it out.
After my parents “broke the bad news to me at the breakfast table,” …
A long time ago, in the days of underage drinking and roses, Maria José and The Resident Alien and I used to hang out with an annoying group of guys, partly because The Resident Alien …