Articles by Sarah D. Bunting
Five years ago, I broke up with a boy. I went out with this boy for only a brief time — three months — but somehow I had managed to fall in love with him. …
The other day, the Disco Biscuit bought me a present. Apparently, nothing says “I love you” like fattening food, because he got me a box of Girl Scout Cookies.
And now, a medium-length sidebar on my …
G.I. Jane, since opening nationwide a few weeks ago, has done a decent business at the box office. G.I. Jane — a movie that should never have survived the pitch meeting, with a star that …
I picked up a copy of the new women’s magazine on the block, published by Jane Pratt and handily titled JANE, last week. I have to admit that I fell for the advertising campaign — …
Last Sunday, after a high-octane brunch which derived its only nutritional value from the ketchup on my homefries, I snagged a Times and holed up in my apartment to celebrate the fact that Big Brother …
Close your eyes.Inhale fully…okay, now exhale.Continue to breathe deeply and evenly as you form a picture in your mind of a giant carpeted junior high homeroom where everyone has a cell phone.Welcome to the 1997 …
Allow me to introduce myself — Sarah D. Bunting, CD-ROM development editrix by day, heckler at life’s rich pageant by night.Below, the sad true tale of my trip to the Consumer Electronics Show in Las …
I love television.Despite the fact that the vast majority of television programming inspires your brain cells to say things like “fuck this — I’m outta here” to each other before battering themselves to death against …
My father woke me up at 5 AM and we trucked to Newark Airport.I boarded the plane and fell fast asleep despite a pre-flight cup of coffee that had the potency (not to mention …
The other day, I strolled over to Blockbuster to return a video.On the way there, I wondered to myself how I should address The “Hi” Problem.The “Hi” Problem arises whenever I enter Blockbuster.Apparently, one of …