Articles in Culture and Criticism
Okay, “hee” is probably not the visceral response Murnau was going for. Alas: “hee.” Of course I see why it’s a seminal film, but there’s just not much point in watching it unless you’re in …
People don’t talk like this, but I didn’t mind it; I liked that it was different, just a daisy chain of vignettes, even if a few of them kind of just sat there (Glenn Close’s, …
She had Alain Delon’s love child, got him hooked on heroin, and the best you can do is 67 minutes of sophomoric montage techniques while Jackson Browne blathers on about…whatever it is people who have …
Two-dimensional, kind of, like the Young Guns movies — but those were diverting and fun, in their way. This isn’t very good, yet it has a certain pep in spite of the hilarious beard trying …
I liked it, but I love Rushmore, and this felt…not derivative of Rushmore, quite, but very similar to it, and without its charm and depth. A lot of it seemed like eccentricities for their own …
I enjoyed it, but found it more depressing than the movie probably intended. And I wish movies had been made about the cross-dressing soccer girl and about Ingemar’s brother, too. It’s sweet, and well worth …
Nothing you haven’t seen before, plot-wise, but it has a lot of that patented Leary/Rescue Me riffing about nothing much that I always enjoy. It can be painful at times to watch Leary try to …
A pleasant surprise: entertaining, occasionally discomfiting, and a great, hype-worthy performance by Theron. (9/18/06)
I didn’t know about the last act, going in, but I was still expecting it to be pretty cheesy — I mean, it’s a boxing movie. But it’s very good at what it does; I …
It’s not as out-and-out meanly funny as Best In Show, and Guest maybe might have leaned on a couple of the gags a little too hard, but my stomach still hurt from laughing afterward. Fred …