Articles in Culture and Criticism
Opie, honey: It’s a boxing movie, and we all know the Depression was hard. The movie is at least twenty minutes too long. It’s called “the point,” and in a sports film, you …
I laughed, and it’s good, but I think I expected too much. He repeated himself too much, and some of the marriage material was…I don’t know how to put it, but “beneath him” is …
I liked it; I liked Jane Fonda’s character. She can be hard for me to like as an actress sometimes; I’m not sure why. She’s just not fun to watch. Not the …
Catch Me If You Can.Initially, when I got to the end of it, it didn’t seem like it had a whole lot to it.It’s sweet, and it’s paced well, but it seemed light.But the more …
Now I’d like to rewatch the original — apparently it’s weak, but it could be good peanut-gallery fun — but this one’s quite good. Good action sequences (muddily shot at times, but it doesn’t …
Excellent, as always. I just said this about The Incredibles as well, but the animation is really sharp, so much so that I forgot a few times it was animation at all, and it’s …
Wow. I still can’t figure out what to believe about Jesse, but no matter what you think happened, it’s really really good. (The movie is good, not what happened; what happened is bad.) …
It feels like it used to be a much longer movie that got chopped down to ninety minutes; I’ve read that Whedon’s original script is a lot darker, which would explain how tacked-on and flat …
Weird little movie, which I think got buried on its release because of the timing (it’s about army dudes fucking up and being corrupt, which in 2001 was maybe not what studios wanted to emphasize …
I fully expected to hate the movie, and in many ways, it’s not very good. It’s self-indulgent. Certain scenes go on long after we’ve gotten the point; others make no logical sense. …