Articles in Culture and Criticism
Excellent read for fans of the contemporary game and/or of Bill James; the writing really purrs along (it could have stood better proofreading, though).
I actually finished this days ago, but I’ve been avoiding writing it up here, because…where to begin, really, with this whole <a href=”” target=”_blank”>flapdoodle</a>. The story begins, for me, months ago, when I was …
It’s very funny, and skillfully avoids a pitfall common to travel writing, namely that the diction starts to repeat itself after a while. Hilarious bits about tourists in Killarney and the non-bird that flew …
It’s a book about, basically, how shitty it is to try to make the Olympics as a gymnast or figure skater and what a giant psychopath Bela Karolyi is. Good stuff — a little …
Eh. Too much detail in spots, not enough in others. It’s a reissue of a twenty-year-old edition, and a certain creakiness pervades the prose; the book isn’t interesting enough to make it worthwhile …
It’s really a very good book; I just had problems with putting it down and then for some reason not wanting to pick it back up again, but I’d recommend it for a well-chosen cross …
I liked Ken Smith’s book about social hygiene film, but this one is slight, and something about the tone isn’t fun; it’s hard to explain. (2/16/04)
Didn’t love it. Too many digressions, too much talking about Nyack, and in spots it felt forced, especially when the author was rising above some situation or another — some of the remembrances and …
The Marilyn parts did not disappoint; a less gossipy person might have cared that the book just stopped cold being about Joe D and was just about Marilyn for fifty pages, but I didn’t mind …
It’s beautiful, and Ware’s rendering of everyday sound is amazing. But I’m never reading it again because it’s so goddamn depressing. (7/11/06)