Articles in Culture and Criticism
Good writing, good plotting, deeply annoying characters, especially the women. I really couldn’t stand Robin, and maybe I’m not supposed to like her, but I don’t enjoy spending that much time with characters who …
I’d had this book for ages and finally grabbed it off the pile, and it’s outstanding. It’s like David Sedaris, in that the writing is perfectly turned and often extremely funny, but it’s not …
Pretty interesting, but it only encompasses the first season — and a lot of it seems redundant if you watch the show on a regular basis. Quite well-written of its ilk, though. (1/31/04)
Some of the stuff I already knew from Bigger Secrets, but that the Ten Commandments most of us know aren’t actually the ones on the tablets? That was news. (8/27/05)
I wanted really badly to like this book, but…it didn’t work out that way. Parish, the author, is, I think, extremely knowledgeable about film history, and I think I would enjoy talking with him …
I like it so far; I think Bob Costas is rad, just generally. But I have to see how it shakes out, because some of the things he’s talking about, dynastically, were germane when …
It’s a quick read, but I think the subject is problematic; I don’t remember music pre-Elvis, so it’s difficult for me to relate to how much he changed it, and while he’s a unique figure …
An interesting story, marred at great and poorly written length by myriad inexcusable misspellings and the occasional exclamation-point cluster-bomb. Read the section on the scandal in Baseball Babylon instead to get all the relevant …
It’s a semi-depressing read, but Sikes’s prose stays out of the way of the subject, which is impressive in a book about girl gangs; occasionally she editorializes and you’re like, “Yeah, we get it,” but …
I’d had this for ages; New York (…I think) happened to recommend it in the current issue; I was bored last night, grabbed it, and read it in more or less one sitting. I …