Articles in Culture and Criticism
It’s very long, but the length is in the service of thoroughness, and it’s a lightning-fast read with a lot of insights into the defense case — who knew what, why they used certain strategies. …
The jokiness started to wear at the end, but it’s likeable prose and interesting behind-the-scenes stuff. (1/31/04)
I’m hardly the first person to observe this phenomenon, but what the hell: the iTunes shuffle-songs feature knows what I’m thinking. It can sense my moods; it can tell what’s going on in my life. …
Wing Chun: Hello?
Sarah: Hello? Hello?
Wing Chun: Hel– hello?
Sarah: Hello? I can’t — hello? Anyone there?
Wing Chun: Hello!
Sarah: Hel– I’m sorry, you’ll have to speak up, I can’t hear you over the din of this goddamn …
Of all the emails I received about last week’s entry, the most disappointed ones came from people I know in real life — people, in other words, who know exactly what I waste my time …
It’s Oscar season again, and just like every year, I’ve seen maybe two of the movies in contention and can “look forward to” forcing myself to watch one film per day every day until the …
I can’t seem to get any holiday-shopping momentum going this year. I’d like to blame the weather, which had lodged itself firmly in t-shirt territory until two days ago, but it got cold Friday night …
Wing Chun: Hello?
Sarah: …
Wing Chun: Oh, hi. …Yeah, I know.
Sarah: …
Wing Chun: I know!
Sarah: …
Wing Chun: Okay, with the understanding that I support you no matter how you want to handle this…
Sarah: …
Wing Chun: …are …
Marlon Brando’s Netflix Queue
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
Big Night
The Breakfast Club
Chicken Run
Children of the Corn
Cool Hand Luke
Dinner Along The Amazon
Duck Soup
Eating Raoul
Fat Man and Little Boy
Hamburger Hill
Heavy Metal
Home Fries
The Hunger
I Am The Cheese
James and the …
Sarah: Hello?
Wing Chun: Hello!
Sarah: Oh God, now what. Who.
Wing Chun: …What in the what what?
Sarah: It’s Robin Williams, isn’t it.
Wing Chun: It’s…the latest J. Crew catalog, actually, I saw a cute skirt for you. What …