Articles in Culture and Criticism
Print it out and post it over your desk. Forward it to a friend. Hand it out to your class. You don’t need my permission; you don’t even have to credit me. Same with this …
Flipping through the digital-cable programming guide, trying to find something to tidy up the apartment by, I settled on VH-1 Classic, the existence of which I had utterly forgotten despite various friends of mine extolling …
Summer is drawing to a close, and what better time than the back-to-school season for an “exposé” on the mainstreaming of nerd culture? It seems like we see a piece like this in the New …
Mr. Sobell turned in a recap of a Miami Vice episode recently, and as I edited it, I went in my mind back to that wonderful time in our culture when Don Johnson went sprinting …
Wing Chun: Hello?
Sarah: I think you mean “Mel-lo.”
Wing Chun: I…do?
Sarah: Yes, sugar tits, you do.
Wing Chun: Sugar what now? …Ohhhh, yeah, Mel Gibson. Hey, what’s the movie where he’s frozen and then he wakes up?
Sarah: …
I’d had a long day — not a bad day, just a long one, which had begun in a rental car with cursing and self-flagellation because I’d managed to miss the turn-off for 678 North …
Wing Chun: Hello?
Sarah: Well, hellooooooo.
Wing Chun: Oh, I know. I know.
Sarah: Dude. Fisticuffs.
Wing Chun: Dude? Pummeling!
Sarah: Pummeling.
Wing Chun: Pummeling and smacking.
Sarah: Like Christmas in May, this is.
Wing Chun: Christmas and our birthdays.
It’s not that I don’t like The Godfather; I do. And it’s not that I think it’s overrated; it probably is, at least a little bit, but it’s almost beside the point now to think …
Come here, chorus of De La Soul‘s “Potholes In My Lawn,” into the chorus of which I can fit the words “cat barf in my shoe” perfectly, and thank the Lord, because apparently there’s no …
Wing Chun: Hello.
Sarah: …Jeez.
Wing Chun: Oh, hi. Sorry.
Sarah: Everything okay?
Wing Chun: Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine, but with the Oscar nominations coming out tomorrow, it’s like, once more into the breach, my friends.
Sarah: No kidding. And …