
“I wrote 63 songs this year. They’re all about Jeter.” Just kidding. The game we love, the players we hate, and more.

Culture and Criticism

From Norman Mailer to Wendy Pepper — everything on film, TV, books, music, and snacks (shut up, raisins), plus the Girls’ Bike Club.

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Articles in Culture and Criticism

Cease And Desist
July 19, 2000 – 12:52 PM | No Comment

I spent last weekend on Fire Island in the company of my great good friends the Couch Baron and Dix, and after driving up to the ferry and wending our way to the island and …

The Final Frontier
June 19, 2000 – 1:39 PM | No Comment

A couple of years ago, the Biscuit became mildly obsessed with original Star Trek. A video store near his apartment carried the whole series, and I must say that, while I do miss a few …

Schlemiel World
June 19, 2000 – 1:17 PM | No Comment

I spent most of the weekend held hostage by a Real World marathon on MTV. At least I had an excuse this time – I had to tape the Boston season in its entirety for …

Mysteries Of The Brain
June 19, 2000 – 1:13 PM | No Comment

Back in the day, my childhood best friend Agent Weiss and I practically lived outdoors during our free time, roaming the neighborhood, gathering flowers and amusing rocks, scoping out potential fort locations, crashing our bicycles …

Because I’m So Perfect
May 19, 2000 – 2:33 PM | No Comment

I bitch about clichés for a living: movie clichés, television clichés, clichés about the supposed differences between men and women. Still, clichés enter the language – and stick around long after we’ve tired of hearing …

Dear Mr. Seitzman: Kill Me Now
April 19, 2000 – 2:38 PM | No Comment

Oh, hello, dear readers. Another Monday has arrived, and you have come once again to read an essay . . . or perhaps you’ve dropped by first thing on Tuesday morning, after you settled down …

Well, “Vanity,” Anyway
April 19, 2000 – 2:34 PM | No Comment

A few years ago, Tim Burton came out with a book called The Melancholy Death Of Oyster Boy, a book of extremely depressing little poems about children with oyster shells for heads and fins instead …

My Kingdom For A No-Doz
March 19, 2000 – 2:39 PM | No Comment

The Academy Awards remind me of New Year’s Eve. For weeks, nobody can talk about anything else, and the hype keeps snowballing bigger and bigger until even non-entertainment-related publications like Scientific American and Car & …

Hillary Go Home
February 19, 2000 – 2:43 PM | 3 Comments

“Women in particular expressed their distaste [for Hillary Rodham Clinton] in strong but inchoate terms. . . . two prominent Democratic officials told me, independently, that they had noticed much the same pattern in talking …

Staying Drunk
December 19, 1999 – 11:18 AM | No Comment

When pop-culture mavens bemoan the suck-assity of movie sequels, we usually point to a few universally recognized examples of overt greed, poor judgment, and sixty-eight cracked-out chimps locked in a room, the better to bludgeon …