
“I wrote 63 songs this year. They’re all about Jeter.” Just kidding. The game we love, the players we hate, and more.

Culture and Criticism

From Norman Mailer to Wendy Pepper — everything on film, TV, books, music, and snacks (shut up, raisins), plus the Girls’ Bike Club.

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Helping public schools, winning prizes, sending a crazy lady in a tomato costume out in public.

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Articles in Culture and Criticism

Hillary Go Home
February 19, 2000 – 2:43 PM | 3 Comments

“Women in particular expressed their distaste [for Hillary Rodham Clinton] in strong but inchoate terms. . . . two prominent Democratic officials told me, independently, that they had noticed much the same pattern in talking …

Staying Drunk
December 19, 1999 – 11:18 AM | No Comment

When pop-culture mavens bemoan the suck-assity of movie sequels, we usually point to a few universally recognized examples of overt greed, poor judgment, and sixty-eight cracked-out chimps locked in a room, the better to bludgeon …

The Canon According To Tomato Nation, Part Two
December 16, 1999 – 1:20 PM | No Comment

When I ask the Biscuit to hold my messenger bag for a second so I can re-layer my clothing or whatever, he often makes a big show of staggering underneath its weight. I usually greet …

The Canon According To Tomato Nation, Part One
October 16, 1999 – 1:32 PM | No Comment

Welcome to the first installment of The Canon According To Tomato Nation, a list of the books and authors you’ll find on my bookshelves (and in my closet, and stacked in piles beside my bed, …

There She Is, Miss America
October 16, 1999 – 1:30 PM | No Comment

Back in the day, the Biscuit and I produced our own public-access television show. One of these days, I’ll write a column about the “Moist Towelette” era, but in order to avoid meandering off into …

Sob Sister
September 18, 1999 – 10:44 AM | No Comment

A couple of days ago, I found myself tearing up during a movie preview, which sounds pathetic enough by itself, but it gets worse. I teared up during a preview for a Kevin Costner movie. …

Creative Writing
September 18, 1999 – 10:42 AM | No Comment

I have read Susan Faludi’s Backlash. It took me three tries, but I finally got through it, and only because I brought with me on my forty-minute subway commute each morning so that I would …

Give Me The Liberty Or Give Me Death
September 18, 1999 – 10:40 AM | No Comment

My freshman year in college, I had a roommate who played hockey – not upper-crusty kilt-wearing field-hockey hockey, but thuggish pad-wearing ice-hockey hockey. I knew next to nothing about hockey – my parents hauled me …

We Got The Punk
September 16, 1999 – 1:23 PM | No Comment

Ernie and I became best friends because we could both derive hours of undiminished amusement from bathroom humor. We became friends in a rather roundabout fashion; we met through our mutual friend The Lip at …

August 18, 1999 – 10:54 AM | No Comment

Gary Larson once drew a panel for his cartoon The Far Side in which a kid huddled underneath his bedclothes with a snorkel-esque apparatus attached to his face; the apparatus had a tube that snaked …