Articles in Culture and Criticism
Previously on 21 Jump Street: Stealth junkie Kenny Weckerle rumbled with the scenery; Officer Tom Hanson missed his dead non-gay dad, and had no sense of humor about looking young, which got him reassigned to …
Credits.Speaking of credit, I have to give it to the theme song: it’s unpleasant to listen to, and yet it gets stuck in my head every time.
A suburban family, the Weckerles, readies for supper.The dialogue …
“Summer of ’84: The Evolution of the Modern Blockbuster, Part 1” is above.Written by Matt Zoller Seitz and Aaron Aradillas and narrated by one Dave Bunting Jr., it’s the first of a five-part series, all …
Barfed on: my notes for a recap of the two-part 21 Jump Street pilot; a catalog from Costume Express whose back page pictures a tween girl in a slutty-goblin outfit; a final-issue notice from Star …
Can’t tell the difference between some of these selections? Welcome to Keckler’s and my lives during the set-up of these tourneys. Heh. Vote for what you’ve heard of, tried, or liked, and we’ll sort it …
My piece for Brokelyn on top-five diner plates around the borough; great pix by their staff photog, too. Stay tuned to Brooklyn Diners tonight for a review of the Emphasis in Bay Ridge.
My great good friend Hud is Director of Development at an organization called Freedom Calls; the foundation’s mission is to deploy the latest technology to keep servicemen and -women in Iraq in touch with their …
Lotta Ps there.Lotta choices, too, so we apologize in advance for slow load times.Clearing your browser history usually solves any problems with the poll itself.
You may vote for as many selections at once as you …
Greetings, snacklings! Please give Wing Chun a round of applause (or clink your spoons on your bowls) for her excellent co-captaincy of the N Cereal AA.
It’s already time to do it again. The N …