Articles in Culture and Criticism
“If PBS Had A Movie-Awards Gala…”
A star-studded, faintly mothball-scented evening of battles and ball gowns, the Hissies — hosted by Doris Kearns Goodwin, who will allegedly write her own material — celebrate the epic stories …
Just read in my daily bulletin that Jeremy Sisto is joining the cast of Law & Order next season. Rock! I’m mostly happy that the attempt on L&O life via dumping it into a …
Seems like Edith Wharton is having a renaissance — the new biography is out (I’ve bought it, but haven’t dug in yet), and Domino had a piece on decorating in the Wharton style, which I …
I’ve had an on-again, off-again relationship with New York for years — never had a complaint with them as an employee, but as a subscriber, whenever I let my subscription lapse, it was because of …
Please join me and the rest of Team SuperSnack at Galapagos Art Space in Brooklyn for a benefit concert/reading, Friday May 18 — songs! stories! guys on stilts! Information, ticketing, and a partial roster of …
“On the plus side: extremely tiny and cute baby hat!”
At one point the reporter mentions Robert ushering his POWs to safety, but listening to it again, for some reason I heard “ushering your BMWs to …
I wish had some sort of code that let me skip the pledge-period haranguing now that I’ve already donated. Every time I have to restart the audio stream, Brian What’shisnuts is giving me guilt …
Holly’s incredulity switches to anger as she snaps that Rebecca “could have been in a ditch, or anywhere,” and can I just ask why the imagined-demise location of choice among mothers is a ditch? Because …
It’s kind of insane to me that anyone is trying to pin the slump in TV ratings on Daylight Savings Time, but evidently this is considered a workable theory. The Wurtzel fellow quoted in the …
Friend of TN David Dickerson is part of This American Life‘s show on the Ten Commandments this week — listen for him in the “adultery” section.