Articles in Stories, True and Otherwise
24 November 2010: It’s the anniversary of Freddie Mercury’s death. I never met the guy but I miss him a lot anyway. It’s that time of year; to absent friends.
It’s a mystery, all the …
“So, this is the four round?”
“No, it’s the three round.”
“So it’s not the four round.”
“No. It’s the three round.”
“The three round.”
“Yes. The three round.”
“Not the four.”
“We did four already.”
“So this is the –”
“Oy, just DEAL …
I love the weather right now. Fall is absolutely my favorite season — all the fuzzy-sweater-wearing, tights-with-boots-matching fun of winter, none of the chapped skin on my chin and the foregoing wearing necklaces because they …
Dear Tweety T-Shirt,
If you speak English — which I know you do, because I’ve heard you muttering offendedly in the direction of a People magazine story on Nick and Jessica for the last fifteen minutes …
It’s kind of a scattershot entry today; the job is alternating between “very busy” and “very slow, but alert to the possibility of very busy,” so a cohesive piece is not happening. Instead, I’ve put …
So, I’ve got an office job now. Well, in the sense that it’s a job for which I go to an office. It’s not an IBM cube-farm situation where I have to wear pantyhose and …
I have heard it said that the sweetest emotion is relief. In fact, I have said it myself, that there’s almost no feeling more delicious than coming out of a bad dream to find yourself …
At three-ish the next day, Lionel dialed the wall phone.
“Tell Marie she needs to come over,” Miranda said, and Lionel nodded. “Tell Marie to tell Diz –”
“Hey, Marie, it’s Lionel,” and he waved his arm …
One Sunday afternoon, years ago, Miranda took Oppenheimer II out for a walk. A big thunderstorm had just passed through, and at each intersection, while Oppenheimer II sniffed around, Miranda eyed the storm drains to …
Four years. A college career. A presidential term.
After a year, two years, even three, a moment, an event is still close at hand, in use, unfiled, but after four years, it’s crossing over — from …