Articles in Stories, True and Otherwise
Last Wednesday, my uncle had a heart attack — and not the mild soft-focus slo-mo Bayer commercial kind where everyone’s standing around wearing chambray shirts and looking tragic and well-coiffed in the driveway as the …
When my alarm went off today, I opened my eyes one at a time, very carefully. So far, no pain. I eased up onto one elbow and waited for a hobnailed boot to slam into …
Corona #1
It’s the end of a long week, it’s hot, I just put on deodorant and my armpits have chosen to take that as a challenge, and these goddamn Old Navy cuffed capris don’t have …
I tuned in to Oprah last Tuesday, as I try to do every Tuesday, because I love Dr. Phil truly and deeply and I don’t care who knows it. Dr. Phil rules all within his …
I feel like a child, still, often — what I eat, what makes me laugh, the way I live, as though adulthood is merely an unsupervised and occasionally disagreeable slumber party. Crossing the continent, spending …
Regina: Standard, garden-variety “normal and nice.”
Sarah: But not gooey, starry-eyed “normal and nice.”
Regina: No. Just “normal and nice.”
Sarah: And not the “he always seemed so normal and nice until the SWAT team broke down his …
Notice that bottom of underwear drawer is visible.
Let two days pass.
Notice that most of bottom of underwear drawer is visible. Also notice rather gungy appearance of bathmat.
Let two days pass.
Spend ten minutes searching sock drawer …
On this day seventeen years ago, my father’s company transferred him to a satellite office in Peru.
Okay, not really, but check it out.
After my parents “broke the bad news to me at the breakfast table,” …
Whenever I hear one of my contemporaries waxing nostalgic about childhood, I have to suppress a snort. It’s not that I had an unhappy childhood by any means; I grew up with a loving family …
I do not like to throw up. Okay, nobody likes to throw up, obviously — it’s not an activity people list among their hobbies in personal ads, and we’ll never see Alex Trebek interviewing contestants …