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The Vine

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Articles in The Vine

The Vine: January 17, 2006
January 17, 2006 – 5:19 PM | No Comment

O Wise Sars,
I have a question for you. It’s not about a boy, but it is, in its own way, about negotiating relationships.
First a little background: I am a Ph.D. student at a large university. …

The Vine: January 13, 2006
January 13, 2006 – 4:36 PM | No Comment

Dearest Sars,
To make a long story as short as I can, I have a Boy Problem. No, not THAT kind of boy problem. The Problem Boy is a friend of a very dear friend of …

The Vine: January 12, 2006
January 12, 2006 – 3:45 PM | No Comment

Dear Sars —
I’ve tried to write this question a gazillion times to make it sound less stupid than it does, but I can’t. So, here goes. I work in a small office — a few …

The Vine: January 11, 2006
January 11, 2006 – 3:37 PM | No Comment

Hey Sars,
I work with this girl at my college in a part-time job. She eventually was hired full-time at another place of business, but still decided to work weekends at the college. She lives quite …

The Vine: January 10, 2006
January 10, 2006 – 3:25 PM | No Comment

Dear Sars,
This story involves a Boy — but, happily, Boy is not
the problem. Mom is the problem. Fasten your seatbelt;
this will be a long one.
Boy and I met in April ’03 and got serious fairly
early; …

The Vine: January 6, 2006
January 6, 2006 – 8:21 PM | No Comment

Pork’s still a red meat; pork just has better advertisers.
That ad campaign you mentioned wasn’t based on any scientific study; instead, it was based on the fact that red meat, before Atkins, was labeled “bad” …

The Vine: January 5, 2006
January 5, 2006 – 1:35 PM | No Comment

Great Baseball Goddess Sars,Tell me, O Wise One, why is it that during the regular season, some games do not go the whole nine innings? I tried Googling this AND asking Jeeves, but I wasn’t …

The Vine: January 4, 2006
January 4, 2006 – 1:27 PM | No Comment

Dear Grammar Goddess,I recently heard someone use the phrase “endless ago,” in the sentence “I
wanted it endless ago.” I guessed that the sentence meant either “I’ve
wanted it for a very long time,” or possibly “I …

The Vine: January 3, 2006
January 3, 2006 – 11:27 AM | No Comment

Howdy Neighbor,Great site! I need your sage advice. I recently got
back together with my ex-girlfriend, Ellen. We
haven’t had sex yet, but it’s happening soon, and I’m
confused about something.
Previously, Ellen and I dated for a year. …

The Vine: December 16, 2005
December 16, 2005 – 3:35 PM | No Comment

I was married the May before last. As my wife and I
are both atheist,
it was a wholly secular wedding. My very religious
parents did not
approve — to the point where they refused to attend.
We pleaded,
cajoled, and …