Articles in The Vine
Hello! I love your writing, both on TN and The Vine — I’ve even gotten my
mom hooked on your essays.
I have a handful of comments and a couple of questions, all of which are
more-or-less related …
Dear Sars,
I’m a big fan of all your sites, and I also really agree with your stance that it’s okay for fans of other teams to berate Yankees fans, but the other direction is not …
Hi Sars —
Sorry about the loss.I have to admit that even as I celebrated like
a crazy person last night, I thought to myself, “Aw.Sars.”
Here’s my question for Bill Simmons’s Dad (or for you, if you …
Dear Sars,
A couple of things:
1. As a Red Sox fan, I can say honestly that I know how it feels right now.All I know is that if the Yankees weren’t such a good team, …
Dear Sars,
So how ’bout that security last night at Yank-me Stadium???
Love always,
Bill Simmons’s Dad
Dear BSD,
I would like to apologize to you on behalf of Yankee fans, New Yorkers, and humanity for last night’s total horror …
Dear Bill Simmons’s Dad,
Do Boston fans really think they’re that bad off? I mean, even aside
from the easy examples like the Cubs and the White Sox (who have gone
even longer since they won a World …
Dear Sars,
Another Braves fan here, wanting to chime in on what you said to
“Frustrated in Atlanta.”First of all, Mazzone always rocks like
As for why we shriveled up and died in the division series yet again:
first …
Okay, you got me. I am officially interested in baseball. I still don’t know how half of the stats work, but I fail to care. I even watched the Astros/Braves game the other night and …
I had to respond after reading “Might as well change her name to ‘and she’s smart too!’”‘s letter.I was that child growing up.People stopped my parents all of the time to comment on my looks.I …
Love the site, love TWoP, and in need of help with a parenting issue.
Yes, I’ve read the columns about you and kids, but I’m asking your advice
I am a mom, of a two-year-old little girl.Not …