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Articles in The Vine

The Vine: September 19, 2001
September 19, 2001 – 8:57 PM | One Comment

I met a guy through a personal ad. We emailed and IM’ed each other for a month or so, but because we live about an hour away from each other we didn’t meet until recently. …

The Vine: September 18, 2001
September 18, 2001 – 8:35 PM | No Comment

Dear Sars,
Okay, I guess I should start by telling you that I’m a huge fan. I actually first came across you at MBTV, because a friend sent me there to read the DC recaps, which …

The Vine: September 6, 2001
September 6, 2001 – 2:17 PM | No Comment

I work in magazine publishing in a major minor city — my job is the only one of its kind in the city, although there are other publishing companies. I have been unhappy at work …

The Vine: September 5, 2001
September 5, 2001 – 2:08 PM | No Comment

Dear Sars,
Is there anything I can do about people throwing in useless phrases in their speech? It drives me nuts when people preface every sentence with “To be honest” or “Frankly.” It implies that for …

The Vine: August 29, 2001
August 29, 2001 – 10:40 AM | No Comment

I was hoping you could help me out. I am traveling to New York this weekend on a sort of mini-vacation, but never having been, I am lacking on “local” information. When I travel, I …

The Vine: August 28, 2001
August 28, 2001 – 10:36 AM | No Comment

Dear Sars,
In re: Confused and Sort of Scared — shouldn’t she save and/or print email from “John” as a record of contact (in case she needs it as evidence for the police), instead of deleting …

The Vine: August 24, 2001
August 24, 2001 – 2:57 PM | No Comment

Hoping you can help with this, but it helps just to rant for a bit.
Why is it that EVERY female on the planet is hooking up except me?
No, I know, you hear that all the …

The Vine: August 23, 2001
August 23, 2001 – 1:03 PM | No Comment

Bulimia I know. Very very well.
I started when I was 16, ended when I was 29, and every step of the way was hard-fought. I’ve been free of the monster for six years, and it’s …

The Vine: August 14, 2001
August 14, 2001 – 10:18 PM | No Comment

Again, your response to SJJD just rocks. There is a superb book called Slut!: Growing Up Female with a Bad Reputation by Leora Tanenbaum that might be valuable for all parties involved to read, as …

The Vine: August 10, 2001
August 10, 2001 – 4:21 PM | No Comment

Dear Sars,
I just read the letter from Stuck in the Middle and figured I would comment on it, since I have had a similar issue with a friend of my boyfriend’s, and I have a …