Articles in The Vine
Hello Sars:
Just a preface: I’m not a girly girl. Never have been. I’m more the type that falls into “chick” category — but that’s another letter for another time.
Here’s the deal: dammitalltohellandwhatnot. A boy is …
I teach at a community college in a vocational, para-professional health program.I am one of two full-time faculty members.Our students seem to have unofficially (hell, maybe they did it “officially” and I don’t know) elected …
Hey, I just read your response to the Missourian at college in California.
In order to stop people from badmouthing her home, she needs to show them something that they’ll find impressive.Knowing what’s important to college …
My good friend D and I (we are housemates in college) decided to live in DC
this summer, in a group house with a bunch of other people from our school. While we got off to …
I couldn’t let your answer to the woman with narcolepsy go by. I’m not a lawyer, but I think people should know their basic rights under employment laws. In the US, the Americans with Disabilities …
Hey Sars,
I’ve got a question involving housing for the summer. This summer, my two best friends and I found out that we all have internships in our hometown.We didn’t really feel like living with our …
I’ll try not to make this problem sound complicated.
My boyfriend (D) and I have been together for nearly two years. This is for both of us the first boyf/girlf situation; we love each other but …
From all of your articles and advice I’ve read you seem like a fairly sensible person, able to see multiple sides of an issue, so I’m turning to you for a bit of advice.
I have …
Dear Sarah,
I’ve spoken to just about everyone I know about this problem, but they just keep telling me what they think I want to hear, so I thought maybe you could help.
I’ve been in what …
Hi Sarah,
When I read The Vine (as I love to do and you’ve even printed one of my letters) and I saw the letter from Bitter Bridesmaid, it really struck a note with me.I had …