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Articles in The Vine

The Vine: April 18, 2012
April 18, 2012 – 2:28 PM | 12 Comments
The Vine: April 18, 2012

I’m not the parent, but a very supportive godmother to my goddaughter, who is a sophomore dance and biology major. She is highly motivated, takes a heavy course load, is making all As, and realistic …

The Vine: April 13, 2012
April 13, 2012 – 10:33 AM | 36 Comments
The Vine: April 13, 2012

I find myself in great need of some wisdom from you and The Vine readers. 
First of all, my partner and I have been disagreeing on the question of “stuff” vs “stuffs” when referring to “stuff” …

The Vine: April 11, 2012
April 11, 2012 – 11:10 AM | 29 Comments
The Vine: April 11, 2012

D. and I were friends for six years, close enough that we had weekly get-together. I saw him through a devastating divorce; he saw me through the break up of a seven-year-long relationship, etc., and …

The Vine: April 6, 2012
April 6, 2012 – 11:51 AM | 26 Comments
The Vine: April 6, 2012

Do some good on Good Friday; head over to the Dewey Donation drive, and help kids in Thailand and/or Washington DC find their long-lost books! I gave a whole doorstop’s worth of Sandra Boynton this morning …

The Vine: April 4, 2012
April 4, 2012 – 12:22 PM | 25 Comments
The Vine: April 4, 2012

I have a friend who is fond of contracting “I have,” but not when saying “I have done x” — he likes to contract “I have [a job]” into “I’ve [a job],” and seeing it …

The Vine: March 30, 2012
March 30, 2012 – 9:02 AM | 4 Comments
The Vine: March 30, 2012

Perhaps you or your readers could identify this film for me?
It was a B&W science-fiction film (or perhaps something shorter) from the 1950s or 1960s, but I saw it on TV at least 15 years …

The Vine: March 28, 2012
March 28, 2012 – 3:44 PM | 51 Comments
The Vine: March 28, 2012

A few years ago, my best friend, W, met L. I had recently moved away and W was feeling lonely (she’s pretty shy and has a hard time meeting new people), so she was really …

The Vine: March 23, 2012
March 23, 2012 – 11:11 AM | 9 Comments
The Vine: March 23, 2012

I hope the Vine readers can help a girl out! I’ve been looking for a reasonable facsimile of the red shoes that Amy Winehouse wears in her “Rehab” video, and Google either gives me absolutely …

The Vine: March 21, 2012
March 21, 2012 – 8:15 AM | 22 Comments
The Vine: March 21, 2012

When I switched jobs about a year ago, I moved my family (husband, 18-month-old, and dog) from New York to California. I also moved our nanny and her teen son with us (after asking nicely …

The Vine: March 16, 2012
March 16, 2012 – 8:35 AM | 15 Comments
The Vine: March 16, 2012

There is this book I read in the library at my elementary school, and I have been trying to remember what it was called ever since, because I loved it so much. It was a …