Articles in The Vine
I’m trying to find a collection of fairy tales I owned as a child in the late ’80s. It was a bigger-sized (length and width) book, with beautiful illustrations. The pictures were kind of like …
I’ve had my 7-year-old kitty since she was a 3-week-old rescue kitten that had to be bottle-fed. For the most part, she is wonderfully behaved.
However, she whines.
She’s always been very vocal kitty, and that is …
I have gone crazy trying to find two “movies” that were aired on (I think) HBO back in the early to mid-1980s. Google and other sites have failed my usually pop-culture-infused brain.
(Note: I think these …
Dear Sars,
One of my husband’s best friends (I’ll call him Kevin) is married to Kate. I feel close to both Kevin and Kate, although we only see each other every few months because we live …
Dear Sarah,
I will be spending a month in the States shortly, flying into New York on the third of October and out of San Francisco third November. Those flights are pretty much my only parameters. …
Dear Sars,
For all of high school, I’ve felt like a fraud. I’m supposedly really, really smart, but I’m lazy and worthless. I scrape by with Bs and A-minuses, but the amount of work I …
Hi Sars,
You’ve said that we all want to have our exes admit it was all their fault and apologize — I just got that letter and I am not sure what to do about …
I’d love help finding two books, one for myself and one for a friend. Friend’s is a children’s book about a hunter who shoots the tail off a swamp monster and eats the tail. He …
My boyfriend of two years has four cats. He has three of them for almost 12 years and the youngest for four. These are his first pets (we’re both in our late 30s) as he …
Hi Sars,
I have a song question for you and the readers. I’m in Baltimore and spend most of my radio time listening to WTMD, which is a local university’s radio station. They play a lot …