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Home » Culture and Criticism

Recs du jour

Submitted by on April 30, 2007 – 10:59 AM11 Comments

To read: Hotel California: The True-Life Adventures of Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young, Mitchell, Taylor, Browne, Ronstadt, Geffen, the Eagles, and Their Many Friends

To watch: The Trials of Darryl Hunt

To wear: MAC Splashproof Lash; Aerosoles Chunk Change

To smell: Cape Candle cucumber melon tea lights

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  • FloridaErin says:

    Living down here, I’m always on the lookout for sandals that are comfortable but not, you know, ugly. Those Chunks look like they rock!

  • ALH says:

    Oh, I am SO reading that book. My favorite review of it on Amazon is “So, Crosby was on drugs…”

  • Laura says:

    Bless you for the sandal rec! I hate to flap (only wear flip-flops ’round the hosue), but it’s hard to find comfortable non-slides that also aren’t Mom Sandals. *glares at 4-year-old Borns in back of closet*

  • Sars says:

    Al, I’ll lend you my copy when I’m done if you email me and remind me.

  • Laura says:

    What’s a “hosue”? Geez.

  • Erin says:

    Word, Laura!

  • Laurabelle says:

    I’m all nutsy about practically any Dansko sandal of the Golden Gate variety, mostly because they have the most insane shock-absorbing system than makes my feet feel like they’ve come home at last. Prodigal feets, mine. Many are notably Mom-my, I’ll grant you, but some are in the range of okay. (Also cheaper elsewhere, usually, which is too bad beause I love Zappos but not to the point of giving them money for being who they are.) (Although maybe I should. Nobody has the range of shoelines that these people do. That’s worth something to someone, right? So why not me?) (Because I’m not made of money, honey, that’s why.)

    Thing I don’t understand: cucumber smell. I’ve met a number of cucumbers in my time, and smell was the least noticeable aspect of them. (1. Crunch. 2. Cool. 3. Moderate slime. 4. Delicious coupling with rice vinegar.) Yet here are these lovely sniffy candles when cukes are combined with things they would never consort with outside the wax, viz. melons.

  • M says:

    I have a pair of Aerosoles sandals that are about 3-4 years old and are nowhere near wearing out (and I wear them plenty in the summer). They have such nice bouncy soles and can pull off casual and dressy. My feet need a day or two to adjust to them every year (as my left little toe can attest to after wearing them a bit too long last Saturday), but then they are so comfy and so good for walking.

    Thank you, Laurabelle, for mentioning Dansko sandals. I’ve never heard of them, but I already want to buy about 10 pairs.

  • Cori says:

    I bought those sandals today on your recommendation. Oh my god, so comfortable! And on sale for $50. I love my danskos, too, but I can’t often justify the price.

  • amy says:

    I own those sandals and they ROCK. I wore them on a day I had to run around nonstop from place to place and no achey feet. Totally recommended.

  • Sars says:

    Aerosoles are kind of a crapshoot — many of the styles look hot in the catalog, frumpalicious on an actual foot — but every now and again they come up with a really cute style and I promptly buy three pairs.

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