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Home » Culture and Criticism

Support Local Biz: August 18, 2008

Submitted by on August 18, 2008 – 9:28 AM5 Comments

News of the N.C. Double Scoop: Flight 1 voting has closed. Proceeding to the next round: cookie dough; black raspberry/Oregon blackberry (upset) (well, it was an upset; I am the opposite of upset about it); butter pecan; peppermint (upset); Java Chip (upset); salted caramel; French vanilla; and chocolate.Voting for the other flights is still open, and you can access those polls at the top right of the page.To view the bracket, click here.

Wanting to check out Fringe NYC but not sure where to start?I can tell you exactly where to start: “For Reasons Unknown,” written by and co-starring my friend Jeff Long (and the hilarious and neon-belegginged Andi Teran).There is a dance break, use of the word “poo-tensils,” a monologue on pigeons, and other good stuff.Three performances left, including one this evening, so check the play site for more information, and make sure to vote afterwards.

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