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Home » Culture and Criticism

Support Local Biz: August 29, 2008

Submitted by on August 29, 2008 – 10:44 AMNo Comment

Matt Zoller Seitz imagines Kong’s farewell via Chet Baker. I like that it’s the 1976 version, because Kong is climbing the Twin Towers.

I haven’t forgotten the NC Double Scoop; polls for the Round Of 32 will close today.   Look for the Round Of 16 early next week after Keckler and I have a chance to connoiter.

And last but certainly not least, on this day in 1964, my parents got married — and have stayed that way even though they play golf together on a regular basis.   Congratulations, Ma and Dad.

And on this day in 1978, my parents and I went to Benihana for dinner.   I don’t know if Ma intended to scare my brother out of the womb with flying knives and lots of black pepper, but regardless, it worked; by the next day, the Mr. Stupidhead to my Mrs. Uglyface had arrived.   Happy birthday, Fig. 2.


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