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The Amy March Shirt Of Justice: Coming Soon!

Submitted by on February 7, 2011 – 10:03 PM115 Comments

No sooner had the guest bowed himself out than Jenny, under the pretense of asking an important question, informed Mr. Davis, the teacher, that Amy March had pickled limes in her desk. …

“Bring the rest immediately.” With a despairing glance at her set, she obeyed. “You are sure there are no more?”

“I never lie, sir.”

“So I see. Now take these disgusting things two by two, and throw them out the window.”

One of the most satisfying moments in children’s literature, in my personal opinion. I’ve always hated Amy March, and when that little brat has to huck all her limes out the window and gets whacked across the palm with a ruler to boot, reader, I smirk every time. Of course, it totally ruins it that she gets to storm home from school in the middle of the day and stay home forever because Marmee is a pinko who doesn’t believe in capital punishment, and then she destroys Jo’s shit and the whole family’s all “she feels terrible, let’s forgive her in five minutes” LIKE HOW ABOUT LET’S MAKE HER LIVE ON THE ROOF, AND THEN Captain Hormone Pianopants Laurie has to go and marry her, like, oh, she does sketches and will french me in a rowboat on the Continent, well la dee fucking da.

But for that brief shining moment, as the dreaded Irish children scuffle over the pickled limes, we older siblings could feel like we’d seen some justice. And now you can commemorate that moment in t-shirt form. Wear it, give it as a gift, buy two and throw ’em out the window, whatever you want. Just don’t borrow Sallie’s and then burn a hole in it. (…Right? That happened? To Meg, not Amy, but still.)

I’ve got some work to do still on getting the price down to a reasonable level, and when I do, I’ll put up pre-ordering instructions — so watch this space! Or…use it to rant about stupid Amy.

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  • Jo says:

    I 100% agree with everyone who said that Amy March is a Laurie stealer, bitch, brat, spoiled, thoughtless, book burning airhead- who deserved to die!!!
    As a writer and bc of my name being Jo I was beyond angry and horrified when she burned Jo’s book! That in my eyes is the most unforgivable thing she could have done besides stealing Laurie. The look on Jo’s face when she found out about Amy and Laurie BROKE MY HEART :(

  • mandy says:

    This is HILAR. I need one of these shirts. Stat.

  • Sarah D. Bunting says:

    @mandy: Here you go —

  • Maknae says:

    It’s funny that of all sisters, Amy March gets all the hate. Sure she was an annoying, selfish, little brat during the first part. But as the book progress, she quite changed dramatically! She “molded” her character and can “please without effort”. I was really proud of her when she changed form a selfish and spoiled little girl to a generous and noble young lady. There was even a chapter where it was shown how she was so forgiving and unselfish. So I honestly don’t know why people still think of her badly when she became the most accomplished sister.

    And I think that they both belong together perfectly. (Laurie and Amy)

  • alexandria says:

    I love this thread! kept me nodding my head, “uh-huh”-ing, and chuckling the whole time. I think I was about 10 or 11 years old when I first read LW because I had to for school. Loved the book until I got to the parts where Jo rejected Laurie; and then Beth died. Then when Amy married Laurie, I just about lost it. I tried reading Little Men just to see what happens to all of them afterward; but I couldn’t get through it. If LMA indeed wanted to portray that life isn’t always that easy, then why did she give Amy the easy out? Amy got everything and never had to struggle. also, I never could understand how she and Laurie could sustain a marriage that essentially occurred on the rebound. if I were Amy, I would always wonder if Laurie still loved Jo. Bad love match, indeed.

  • Andrea says:

    I NEED this shirt!!!!!!!!

  • Sarah D. Bunting says:

    You can find it right here!

    Ringer and v-neck styles also available.

  • Nancy Yos says:

    I adore all of you. I also hated Amy at the time I read the book (many times over), and what made it worse for me was that I had a bratty obnoxious friend of a friend named Ami with an i, and then my brother and sister in law named their first child Amy. I was so horrified I even mentioned Little Women to them, like hinting they should rethink things, but they didn’t get it. Plus Amy Carter was in the White House. Bad karma all around.

  • Amy hater says:

    okay…so the chick goes all….oooo,im a selfish girl i will try so not to be! (dramatic sigh)
    then she goes all…if you dont let me see the play ill make you regret it! (brat)
    so she goes off and burns her sisters life work and rubs it in cuz she couldn’t wait one week to see the freakin’ play….amazing how a poor kid could be so spoiled. then she goes off and steals JO’s man with her innocent look and awesome art skills. (hate her)
    that’s like my sister saying “if you dont let me come to your friends house with you ill make you regret it” and then dropping my design book in the crapper or something…..i mean come on Amy! why you gotta be such a snob!?!?!?!?

  • Amy hater says:

    but really……marmee send this child to a freakin alternative school or even better..make her go live with the Hummels :) but really send her to a stinkin counseling camp or put her in a strait jacket or something . LORD HELP THIS CHILD!

  • Reader says:

    MORONS, all of you. Have you even read the book?? I don’t think so because you are missing the point entirely. Alcott’s book was about sisterly love, growing up, learning from mistakes, and um, FORGIVENESS. If Jo could forgive Amy her mistake of burning the book, then why can’t you? Amy is NOT a b*tch, she’s not even that spoiled (if anything, is frequently scolded and doesn’t get everything she wants). Her episode with the limes is a kind of a pitiful little sketch of a girl who’s poor and made to feel it. For a young child to be made out as so horrible and villainous is preposterous, completely unwarranted. Furthermore, she did NOT – repeat, NOT- steal Laurie! Wake up!!! Jo refused Laurie multiple times and was 100% right in saying they could never have gotten along. Amy herself told Laurie that he must “MAKE” Jo like him. She did NOT steal Jo’s trip to Europe, and even felt bad for getting what Jo wanted, though she deserved it more because Jo was acting like a jerk during their visit to their aunt. Amy is a flawed but completely believable and lovable character who loves her family and is extremely devoted to it, as well as to becoming a better, stronger woman, which she eventually does. She’s neither an angel nor a slut. Ridiculous!! It just makes me furious and sad, especially on behalf of Alcott, who would never have wanted this kind of reaction to a story written with such obvious affection – a tribute to ALL her sisters. Read with your brains!!

  • Sarah D. Bunting says:

    Thanks for your comments!

  • Olivia says:

    I totally hated Amy it was just this utter feeling of disgust and screaming in my soul! It was one of the first real strongly terrible feelings against her! She just got everything for nothing and I have younger brothers who get just punishment. When Amy finally gets punished ahhhhh rapture rejoice!!!!! Selfish snooty twit!!! Just utterly selfish!! There is no way of expressing my disdain for her especially when Jo just wanted to go to Europe and Amy goes simply because she is a suck up!!!! Then she marries Laurie and dude she is like 10 or more years younger than you Laurie.

  • Lilac girl says:

    I don’t know about you all, but Amy March is my favorite, she is a very loving sister despite some things she has done. I have read the book and watched most of the different versions on DVD, and I hated her for a while for marrying Laurie, but Jo was the one who said no to Laurie’s proposal… Anyways, everyone has there own opinion. :)

  • Nicole says:

    I hate amy so much, she is such a snob and selfish brat but she pretends to be all la-di-da and everybody loves her but doesn’t know how much of a bitch she actually is. I almost smashed my book when I realized amy was getting the trip to Europe when Jo is the one who WORKED HER WHOLE LIFE for it. Just because Jo was pissed that ONCE at Aunt March’s house when Aunt Carrol was there. Oh and Aunt Carrol is all like Amy is such a dear, she is so kind and helpful, blah blah blah. JO was the one who suggested the boys to go buy May’s stuff, but as usual Amy gets all the credit. And don’t even mention how pissed I was when Laurie decided to marry amy, it serves him right if he was stupid enough to even consider Amy. Besides we all know that amy will sooner or later end up in hell.

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