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Home » Donors Choose and Contests

Contest: A note from Mr. K

Submitted by on October 2, 2009 – 11:52 PM2 Comments

image016Mr. K posted the “Hands-On Geometric Origami” project — one of the several dozen we’ve already funded.   I really liked Mr. K’s creative approach to his subject, and he’s quite a prompt thank-you-note writer as well:

Dear Sarah D. Bunting,
My students and I are moved and touched by your generosity. One lesson we return to frequently in class is that “The science of humanity is kindness and generosity.” You exemplify this philosophy.

The origami paper you provide will extend the boundaries of student exploration and interest in geometry, algebra, symmetry, art and beauty. With it we will continue to explore a variety of geometric and mathematical concepts. Perhaps even more exciting, the work is going beyond our classroom. Students from other classes are coming by and asking how they can learn to make the geometric structures we’re creating. School staff comment on the amazing works students carry down the halls. An origami artist invited us to join her at her origami exhibit so that we can showcase our work and teach visitors how to make what we have learned.

Through your support our students will carry memories of a mathematical experience that will last far longer than lectures and notes. Bless you and thank you again.

With gratitude,
Mr. K.

Our pleasure, Special K.   Glad we could give you and your students the bird.


Bummed you missed out on a geometry project?   No worries: we’ve got others.

In other news: the next closest fundraiser in our category has raised $470 dollars.   The next closest entire fundraising category has raised $3,522.   Everyone else in the challenge combined has raised about 14K, total.   Tomato Nation readers: leading not only by example but also by a country mile.   [slow clap]

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  • Academic says:

    And now we see the reasons why I proudly support Tomato Nation in October. Bring on the first blackjack at $21k!

  • Rachel says:

    “TN Gives Student The Bird” – film at 11. heehee!

    I always wonder if the other participants in the challenges look at the TN totals and wonder just what the hell is going on over here.

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