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Home » Donors Choose and Contests

Contest: Perchance to dream

Submitted by on October 26, 2009 – 12:08 AM9 Comments

As of this writing, $130,566 in the Bet Red bank and $300,071 overall. That looks like a 43.5-ish percentage to me.

More information to come when I have it — not sure how the HP match is given out, or exactly when — but here’s what we do know: over the weekend, you picked up four percentage points, put a baby in a foam tomato (see below), and wore the cape of awesome with distinction once again.

I’m so proud and excited.   Thank you.

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  • Elizabeth says:

    You guys. Seriously.

    I don’t cry over stuff like this. Don’t know why; it’s just not a thing I do. But… you guys.

    What I do do is jump around and squeal like a moron, which I think i’m going to go do now. Scuse me.

  • Sarah says:

    Folks, this project still needs a lot of funding, but who amongst us didn’t love at least one of these books? Let’s make it happen!

  • Charmaine says:

    I am with Cristina in Vienna, it is great fun to get up and see the amazing progress that has been made while we are sleeping! 131K this morning when waking up in Norway.
    Today is a new day and $150K isn’t that far off at all….and then kick in the HP bonus and I think Sars is headed straight to Atlantic City. How I wish I could join in the fun….So lets hit 150K out of the park, or with a shoe!

    But as Cristina pointed out, how could we let a project with a tomato in the picture go unfunded….

    Here is to MONDAY MAYHEM!!!

  • Cristina in Vienna says:

    I knew it. Awesome, awesome, awesome. Actually, fucking awesome. I’m dancing and crying and laughing. And that has never happened before coffee was added to this instant human.
    Thank you Sarah.

  • KKB says:

    See, Ken Jennings? The vegetarian fetish of a minor internet celebrity has the power to bring together the most awesome people in the world!

  • Charmaine says:

    For you that have daughters, granddaughters or little girls you know in this age group you may have heard of Junie B. Jones….My daughters that this is a must. Only $133 left

  • Chef Joe Crompton says:

    I had one one my projects funded through this contest’s donors. How do I get my other South Carolina grant requests to show up on the tomato nations’s selection page?

  • Sarah D. Bunting says:

    @Chef: Welcome! Please email your project’s URLs to me at bunting at tomatonation dot com.

  • charmaine says:

    Oh Sarah please add Chef Joes other projects. I just found them today and was blown away at his program, and they aren’t that big :)

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