Contest: Welcome to Matchdome
…Okay, proud Nation. It’s the 30th. $275,660 right now; 1,068 of you have given to 44,801 students in the last 30 days.
Others of you have given prizes; shared and forwarded and cheerled; watched the widget and wiped away single, gorgeous tears; written recaps; and sent me pictures of your own Master and Miss Readerheads.

atta boy, sleepy grape tomato
Above, please enjoy a family portrait from reader Alicia M. “I won these hats as a prize in last year’s Donors Choose contest. So here’s a picture of me and my two-week-old tomato, I mean son, at his very first trip to the zoo. Thanks for being awesome.” That’s pretty freakin’ cute, Alicia. Way to affirm your commitment to field trips as a key element of the educational experience! (And to wear green. Very chic.) (Thanks again to the talented Claire J. for the hats, which you may recognize.)
…All right. Less than 5K to 280K. At 280K, we get another 20K. My day today is what a client of mine likes to call “a fuckshow,” but I’ll have my computer with me and check in frequently. Can we get this done today, and spend Halloween Saturday celebrating? I bet we can. Let’s try.
Speaking of chic, I’m giving away two (2) copies of Thom Filicia’s Style, donated by Susan, and five (5) copies of Civilization IV, donated by Lisa M. Just donate to anything you like and send me your receipt to bunting at tomatonation dot com by midnight tonight ET.
280, friends. Do it for the class of 2027.
Tags: contests friends snif! The Class of 2027 Thom Filicia
Love the hats! Here are two I want to point out.
No Custodian in Rainy Oregon!–They have to clean their classroom. A storage area to keep their shoes so they could not have mud in their classroom would really help.
Help Us See! A Special Education teacher in a Residential Treatment Facility
Ok. Off to donate to a couple that were recommended yesterday! Onwards and Upwards!
276! Good start, morning shift!
This project has less than $100 to go:
It’s for a digital camera for a school newspaper. If you ever worked on a school yearbook or a newspaper, you know you want to give to this.
And yeah payday!
I gave to this project, the only Massachusetts one on the list (today — is Amanda Intern-about Is Fair Play removing the done ones as we go along?), in honor of my longtime Internet boyfriend Patrick Smith, who just lost his mom.
And speaking of moms, my tomato cap is off to Alicia M., because at two weeks postpartum, I barely had it together enough to string together two sentences, much less put on a clean outfit and go to the gym.
Just in time for Halloween, the kids benefiting from the Witches, Witches, Witches! project received their new books. TY note here (hope I do this right):
Start your Friday off with this very touching Thank You! We can do it – $4K for more of these wonderful letters and wonderful impacts!
$1000 in two hours… holy crap. At this rate, Sars, we can start with the celebrating by happy hour today. :D
High school and college football fans – Let’s try to get this one funded – why not make a donation for this project based on how well your team does this weekend. Last week I gave a dollar for each time they scored, and $5 if they lost, $10 if they won. Made cheering for my underdogs even more fun. Who’s with me?
277+. Git it.
I love that this project will help ESL kids read with their parents. Let’s get it done today!
You guys are all awesome.
Anyone want to donate in honor of the World Series?
May I humbly suggest the following project? Don’t hold the title spelling against them – us scientists ain’t two good with righting…
278! People! I’m trying to work, here, and I’m so very distracted by the awesomeness.
278! so awesome.
Let’s finish off this one–it’s the last of the soon to expire ones!
This sounds like a neat one in Oregon, helping create the next generation of Hope:
I gave to this one,, in honor of my father who died last July. He served in Vietnam.
I just looked and it appears that to get onto the 1st page of the popularity sort on DC right now is about 40 donors…so the big kahuna has 18 as of now. If we can push some more it would get a lot more visability. And Mr. E. “loves tomato nation”
And games for ESL students needs only $193 Who doesn’t love a good afternoon or Yahtzee or Scrabble!
$279K??? Unreal. It is an honor and a privilege to be a part of the overwhelming awesome.
Only $994 to go to hit our 280K!! WooHoo!!
Let’s show these guys some love:
279! OMG! And a project I’ve been watching closely, Multimedia Learning for Students With Autism, just got fully funded. I’m wiping away tomatoey tears, people.
Yeah! This is so amazing. I just gave again to Leer es Poder. It only has $150 left! Let’s finish it off!
HURRAH! The Digital Camera for Native American School Newspaper was fully funded.
A project fully funded by TN. It does not go unnoticed:
So. Very. Close! :’D
I just gave to the desks:
and these budding fillmakers:
And we’re now less than $500 away from $280K!!!!
See above:
$305 to go!?!?!? I never imagined….
See It, Hear It, Now I’m Learning! has only $34 to go. It’s the last of our soon-to-expire projects. Someone want some thank you letters? I’ve given all I can, I’m just waiting for my $50 gift card to arrive, for signing up for the monthly donation.
SQUEE!!!!!!!!!! We’ve surpassed it. Tomato Nation rocks so hard, you guys!
OMG OMG OMG! $280,237!!!!
DONE!!! I was hitting refresh in an extra tab hoping for that to happen!
Walkin’ talkin’ jebus. Congratulations to you, Sars. And to all the donors, and all the matchers, and bless us every one.
Awesome has been redefined.
280!!!!!! Ack, y’all. You’re amazing.
$280,301 What a day, as well as the last 30 days! TN Rocks!!!!
Congratulations, everyone. It’s an honor.
I’m going to have a beer now, because it’s cocktail hour somewhere.
We’re on a roll…..let’s give these guys what they need. C’mon, TN! We can do this:
As the song says, “This Magic Moment…” Way to go, Tomato Nation. Dust all over this damn library. Sniffle.
I can’t be only citizen of Tomato Nation who hopes some of our new $20K goes toward the Big Kahuna.
… whoa.
…and you’ve done it! $280,342 and counting! CONGRATS!!!! Absolutely amazing!
Wow!! I mean . . .Wow. I can’t . . Speechless . . . Dusty in here . . . Also? This link will take you to a thank you letter and photos of a butt load of awesome.
I Bet Red in October and I won!
over $290!!!!
…no words, just a few throat clearings……another 10 grand in one refresh??? I’m speechless.
I came back from lunch hoping for 280, and saw 290 instead. I love October!
I leave for lunch, I get back, and we not only made the $280, we made over $290. Trying to do my job through tears here, everyone. You are all so amazing, I don’t even have the words.
JeniMull: You certainly aren’t. That expiration date makes me nervous.
$290 and counting. I just can’t stop smiling.
Halloween festivities in the office have kept me away from TN since this morning. This beats all the costumes and cupcakes anyday. Congratulations, My Fellow Tomatoes. I’m honored to count myself in the ranks of The Nation. I’ma go watch that widget some more.
@Sars: “You know what? Yeah, let’s just stick to cash.” Well done, madam.