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Home » Donors Choose and Contests

Contest: Well, That Happened

Submitted by on October 27, 2009 – 7:08 PM124 Comments

(tm State and Main)

From Candice, our HP-ologist:

Actually, that is no mistake! :) We ran the percentages of Giving Page totals against the support that HP is providing to Social Media Challenge donors and Tomato Nation’s share was close to $130,000! You guys rocked it as usual! The total jumped a little because HP actually ended up having around $225,000 to allocate. So, Yay!!

In other words, that $264,705 is not an error.

997 donors.   41,379 students reached.

Tomato Nation readership lifetime total: over half a million dollars.

Pass the bourbon.

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  • rabrab says:

    Well, Sarah said Candice’s message said that HP kicked in closer to 225,000 than 200,000. And they were divvying it on the basis of 250,000. That means that everyone who gets a gift card from them is looking at about 90 cents on the dollar. That’s assuming that they send the cards only to those people who had already donated by midnight Sunday.

    If, however, they divide it amongst everyone who has donated at the end of the month, it will be somewhat lower, but still probably between 50 and 80 cents on the dollar.

  • Shanchan says:

    By the way, is there someone at HP (and an address) that we can write thank you notes to, so they’ll keep doing this?

  • Driver B says:

    You know one of the things I love best about this whole thing? My unemployed behind has been able to put far less in the pot this year than usual. . .but because we’re all in it together, encouraging each other and the teachers and the kids, we are able to leap tall buildings of AWESOME.

    Thanks guys! Now please excuse me while I go get this dust out of my eye. . .

  • Jenn C. says:

    Holy crap! holy crap. I cannot believe that we did this. I am so happy and proud to have been a part of this, and MAN, I cannot WAIT for my HP funding giving card to go on another spending spree.

  • Trash says:

    HELL YEAH! I leave for a 2 day business trip and I come back to THIS. I can’t wait to tell M. Edium tomorrow. GO TEAM RED!

  • Bubbles says:

    Dratted allergies! *sniff sniff sniffle* They get so bad this time of year.
    Also, I will now be dressing my daughter up as a tomato for Halloween. (Or attempting to, she’s… stubborn for a 17 month old.)

  • J says:

    … the house always wins. Play long enough, you never change the stakes. The house takes you. Unless, when that perfect hand comes along, you bet big, then you take the house.

  • Sarah D. Bunting says:

    @Shanchan: I don’t have one, but I will inquire.

    @Trash: I used to work at that mall.

    @J: Guys guys guys guys guys…guys! All…red.

  • Sara J. says:

    YOU GUYS. Seriously, you guys. All sorts of shit has gone wrong at work over the past two days, including car vs truck, busted sets, designers with the flu, and who the hell knows what else, but checking in on this has sort of prevented me from totally flipping my shit.

    Thank you all for being insanely awesome.

  • Deanna says:

    It was our pleasure. We had never been to Belize.

  • ibislynn says:

    Holy shitballs, indeed. And can I second this:

    “I am damn proud to be part of The Awesome of 2009, and I want a t-shirt to that effect. Proceeds can go to DC, or to sending Sars, Amanda, and other personnel to a spa or something. Either way is good.”

    I picture in my head a white & red ringer t-shirt with something like this on the front:

    and something like this on the back:

    This needs the final stats and a picture of one of the REAL cranes, and please forget the half-assed 3am mockups, but you get the idea.

  • Charmaine says:

    Wow. What a team! $275,000 isn’t that far off, anyone ready to reach it!?
    I am :)

    Here is a team that needs some warm ups! So from one team to another, maybe we can throw a little that way while we are knocking off the expiring projects.

  • Academic says:

    Looks like we still have some work to do to finish out the early November projects. Tomato Nation… leaving no project behind :) I. love. October.

  • Sarah D. Bunting says:

    The shirts will get done, but not until next week; I simply won’t have time to address it until then. Definitely keep generating ideas on it in the meantime, though.

  • Maria says:

    @Sars, Deanna, and J: I think you’d dig Provo. You could do well there.

    @Asirda: Getting me a little choked up with the Archimedes.

  • Sarah D. Bunting says:

    @Maria: You’re LIKE a little GIRL.

  • Maria says:

    @Sars: I’m gonna get out of the car and drop you like third period French.

  • Sarah D. Bunting says:

    Is that your hound in the rear there?

  • Maria says:

    Denim, like a jean.

  • Sarah D. Bunting says:

    He’ll kill you. And THEN he’ll go to work on you.

  • LaSalleUGirl says:

    You can’t have six cards! You can’t have six cards in a five-card game!

  • Silvertongue says:

    Very, very dusty in my office today, too. Must be a dust epidemic all throughout the Tomato Nation.

    Love you guys. Every year, I look forward to this. I don’t know why I’m surprised when the miracle happens each year, but I’m always like a kid at Christmas.

    I love being part of The Awesome each year. Thank you, Sars.

  • Kate says:

    He breaks late. Everyone knows this.

  • Maria says:

    So I should put the towels back?

  • Margaret in CO says:

    Not to ask you to do MATH after all the BOURBON (hee) but can I ask how many students we’ve reached, cumulatively? That’s the number that gives me the shivers.

  • Sarah D. Bunting says:

    The total number of students reached is visible on the widget.

    Did you come here to give me a physical?

  • JeniMull says:

    I was traveling all day for work yesterday – at the end of the day, decided to check TN via my iPhone – and nearly drove off the road!

    210K oughta do it, don’t you think?
    You think we need 90K more?
    You think we need 90K more.
    All right, we’ll get 90K more.

  • Kate says:

    @JeniMull: You just made me spit water all over my desk! Brava!

  • Janna says:

    That’s wonderful!

    Get in the goddamn house.

  • LaSalleUGirl says:

    Margaret, you meant the total number of students we’ve reached in ALL the years we’ve been doing this, right?

    I scrolled through the old contest posts, which are only tagged back to 2007. According to those posts:

    2009: 43298 students (as of 1:08 p.m. EST today)
    2008: 19577 students
    2007: “Almost 16K” students

    So, if we round up to 16K for 2007, that brings us to 78875 students reached in 3 years. (And I know we did this for a few years prior to 2007, too, so the complete cumulative number is actually higher than that.) That’s…incredible.

    In other news: Hallway of Health is funded!

  • Sarah D. Bunting says:

    I don’t have time to stand around talking to you…circus animals!

  • Maria says:

    We need to get Rusty a girl.

  • Sarah D. Bunting says:

    There’s a women’s prison just up the road.

  • Margaret in CO says:

    “that brings us to 78875 students reached in 3 years”
    That’s some “Awwwwwwwwwww” right there!!! Thanks, LaSalleUGirl!

  • Maria says:

    You want broke, blind, or bedlam?

  • Sarah D. Bunting says:

    Hey, Radio Shack: relax.

  • Maria says:

    Do you see me just grabbing the gun out of your holster and waving it around?

  • Trash says:

    I hope you were the groom.

  • Sarah D. Bunting says:

    Youuuuu TOSSERS. You had ONE job to do!

  • LaSalleUGirl says:

    There’s a ninety-five pound Chinese man with a hundred sixty million dollars behind this door.

  • Maria says:

    Thirteen million and you drive this piece of shit cross-country to get me?

  • Sarah D. Bunting says:

    Oh, that’s a great idea, Albert — let’s hop out of the van and we can ALL get nicked.

  • Maria says:

    Did someone call for a doctor?

  • JeniMull says:

    Guess what is on my Netflex queue now?

  • Sarah D. Bunting says:


  • Jen M. says:

    “Look, we all go way back and uh, I owe you from the thing with the guy in the place and I’ll never forget it.”

    I am so proud to be a part of the awesome.

  • LaSalleUGirl says:

    Ten says he shorts it.

  • Maria says:

    Might as well call it whitejack!

  • Sarah D. Bunting says:


  • GracieGirl says:

    Are you freakin’ kidding me?!?! This is just… How did we… I can’t even… Man, origawesome is right!

    @ibislynn: If I don’t end the year with one of those shirts in my closet, I will be a sad little tomato.

    @the rest of you: You gotta walk before you crawl.

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