Contest: Well, That Happened
(tm State and Main)
From Candice, our HP-ologist:
Actually, that is no mistake! :) We ran the percentages of Giving Page totals against the support that HP is providing to Social Media Challenge donors and Tomato Nation’s share was close to $130,000! You guys rocked it as usual! The total jumped a little because HP actually ended up having around $225,000 to allocate. So, Yay!!
In other words, that $264,705 is not an error.
997 donors. 41,379 students reached.
Tomato Nation readership lifetime total: over half a million dollars.
Pass the bourbon.
Tags: contests the O'Jays
@Gracie: …Reverse that.
You ask me that question one more time, you won’t wake up the following morning.
You remember the day I went out for cigarettes and didn’t come back? You must have noticed.
I want a mini-prize that is that movie. NOW.
Off the top of my head, I’d say you’re looking at a Boeski, a Jim Brown, a Miss Daisy, two Jethros and a Leon Spinks, not to mention the biggest Ella Fitzgerald ever!
You lose focus in the game for ONE second…
Tess is with Benedict? She’s too tall for him!
…You “know a guy.”
Who you calling bud, pal?
So unless we intend to do this job in Reno, we’re in barney.
I am totally going to make my poor bf sit through that movie tonight!
… Barney Rubble
@Maria: Who you calling pal, friend??
Who you calling friend, JACKASS?
Don’t call me a jackass.
@JeniMull: TROUBLE!
Hee! I love me some Basher.
Don’t call me a jackass!
Apparently, he’s got a record longer than my… well, it’s long.
You get the cookies I sent?
@ JeniMull, Maria: I DID just call you a jackass!
Why do you think I came to see you first?
Also, this note from Ms. S is really sweet. My favorite part is how many donors are listed at the top; it’s proof that this works because we all get in the traces together and pull. You guys are awesome.
You could make us all encounter huge dust bunnies by collecting the teacher’s notes touched by the TN Drive.
They also painted occasionally.
Check out this follow-up letter – love the image of little kids hollering “Now we can read all day!”
Damn you, @JeniMull, now I have tears in my PB&J.