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DC Trip Update: The Hoisting Of Pints

Submitted by on March 11, 2009 – 10:26 PM12 Comments

If you can’t join the sightseeing fun, you can still see the tomato bending an elbow (and join in with the beverage of your choice) at Capitol City Brewing Company.   We aim to get there at 6:30 PM, but watch the Twitter stream for changes.

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  • Sarah D. Bunting says:

    Just a reminder: the Twitter stream you want to follow is TomatoNation.

  • Karen says:

    Argh! Within walking distance of my office, but I have to go home to the baby. Stupid baby, getting in the way of seeing Sars in the Tomato costume, live and in-person!

  • Lis says:

    I hate to be a pain, but I’m super psyched and want to make sure I’m right… there’s two DC Locations for Cap. City Brewing Co. the one you linked to is the “Downtown” location, at 1100 NY Ave. but there is another one at 2 Mass ave. that’s considered the “Capitol Hill” location… since they’re only about a mile apart I just want to be sure we’re all at the same place ie. the downtown location… sorry for being a nervous nelly :) can’t wait to see everyone! YAY Friday the 13th!!

  • Sadiegirl says:

    I’m totally twitter uninitiated. Can you follow if you don’t have an account? Because I really don’t want an account…

  • Shannon in CA says:

    Unfortunately, no DC trip for me, but I decided to take a look around DonorsChoose in honor of the tomatoey-goodness to come and found a project that only needed $45 and had 1 day left. So, in honor of the Tomato Costume, I gave some 4 year olds some dress-up clothes for play time!

  • Sarah D. Bunting says:

    @Lis: New York Ave. location.

  • Bo says:

    Did get stuck at work. So Sars, be safe and have a blast. Can’t wait to see the vid.

  • Amie says:

    Argh! Now the twitpic site is blocked at my job (the one that was *supposed* to be my last day of today, but that is another story…) so I can’t watch the happenings as they unfold. Boooooo! Well, have a blast, tomatoheads!

  • LTG says:

    Wasn’t able to get away from work this afternoon, but looking forward to the beers.

  • Melanie says:

    Am just checking out the Twitters and pics, and LOVE!!! *warm fuzzies to Sars* Can’t wait to see the full report!

  • Lauren says:

    The pix made me giggle. I hope you guys had an awesome time! <3

  • Lynsey says:

    *sigh* I wandered around downtown for three hours looking for y’all yesterday. Alas the wee one ended up having an epic meltdown so we never got a chance to catch up with you guys. Seems like y’all had a blast. Sorry I missed it :/

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