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On a happier note

Submitted by on October 20, 2008 – 1:01 PM25 Comments

As of this writing, $69,702.

Please draw the appropriate parallel between this nauseatingly cute photo of Hobeshka and Josef and my warm fuzzy feelings for all of you.   (Note: parallel should not contain humping.)

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  • Jen S says:

    Sars, the only parallel is how we feel about you. The warm and fuzzy lurve… that leads to your door…

    If you have hardwood flooring (I can’t remember if you’ve mentioned it or not) than Czar Nicolas may get a bit better thyroid wise. My own darling old guy had the same thing, and it turns out the chemicals used in making carpets directly affect cats’ thyroid glands. So all potential adoptees out there–wood floors are a plus!

    As for pilling him, try mashing his pill into his food. It shouldn’t have a bitter taste, unlike some antibiotics, and if Nick has the same appetite as my DanDan (aka Jaws Of Death) it should be no problem to get him to eat it. I highly recommend it as a scratch and bite free way to show the love.

  • Sarah D. Bunting says:

    I do have hardwood floors, so that’s a plus. He’ll be starting out in Tile Palace, though, so we’ll see how he does.

  • Academic says:

    And it’s over 70k now! Let’s get that match!

  • Cij says:

    Much snuggly, warm and exceedingly platonic love sent back your way.

  • Amanda says:

    Oh, Sars!

    That’s the best picture EVER.

    May I make it my desktop background?

  • Linda says:

    I like how just having Nikolai with you for a short time has made you a commie.

  • Emerson says:

    Aw. Someone is always gonna be the pillow. Good luck with your other kitty.

  • Angie says:

    Awww! The little spoon hugs the big one! (Teaspoon vs. Ladel? Perhaps.)
    You are awesome, your cats are awesome, awesome everywhere.

  • Rebecca says:

    Tip from pilling our hyperthyroid 19-year-old cat: Pill Pockets. The vet carries them, and often pet superstores. They are the best. At least if your cat is not overly observant, which ours…sweet, loving, adorable – yes, but observant might be pushing it. She thinks that now we love her sooooo much that we want to give her oddly shaped treats twice a day, which is of course no more than her due.

  • ferretrick says:

    That picture so belongs on

    I just want to know what exactly you had to bribe the Hobe with to get that shot.

  • Kat says:

    Oh, I run for the camera (gently) when my girls decide to get cozy. Its so rare and so heart-string-plucking, you just can’t help but take a picture.

  • RJ says:

    Oh lord, I wish my cat would fall for Pill Pockets. My cats act like you’re trying to poison them if you give them treats.

    And the only cat that needs meds loathes human food and doesn’t care for wet food. The only option we found was to grind up the pill, put it in a dab of baby food (it adheres fairly well to her fur) and smear it on her nose. She licked it off right away – pill taken.

  • FloridaErin says:

    My vet was absolutely stunned that my cat wouldn’t fall for the pill pockets. Obviously, my vet underestimates feline intelligence. “What? You were just trying to jam a pill down my throat, and now you’re giving me a large, weird tried that doesn’t smell like my normal treats? Stupid human.”

  • Heather says:

    That’s an adorable pic…but DAMN, Little Joe is a whole lot of cat. It looks like an impending Total Eclipse of the Hobe up in there.

  • Margaret in CO says:

    Heather, I have Bonnie Tyler in my head, just belting out “Total Eclipse of the Hobe” with backup singers & everything! Thanks, it’s sure made my afternoon more funny! And surreal…

  • autiger23 says:

    ‘It looks like an impending Total Eclipse of the Hobe up in there.’

    That needed to be repeated. LOL! Thanks for making me laugh out loud at work, Heather. :D

  • greer says:

    Have the cats always been Russian?

  • Sarah D. Bunting says:



  • Jules says:

    Sars, what does Grandpa Niko think of his American brethren? Has he tried to make nice? Is there a language barrier? The saga of this immigrant cat is compelling reading! I anxiously await more updates!

  • Cij says:

    Yes, Nikolai’s adjustment to this strange (but brave) new world is uber compelling indeed.

    Spasceba (I don’t know how to spell it in either cyrillic or english) for rescuing him and keeping us up to date.

    I still look forward to the epic story of his first bath. It will be Love and Death with a very fluffy ending!

  • robin says:

    “what does Grandpa Niko think of his American brethren? Has he tried to make nice? Is there a language barrier?”
    When my dad’s old cat Duzy Batz came to live with us, there was a definite language problem between him and the Three Bad Barn Cats. The Incredible Mr. Batz thought that HISSS! was an appropriate all-purpose greeting, and that MEeeeee meeowwWW! was a good lullaby to hum all night long. Well, obviously, having spent his first 10 years with my very deaf dad. The Three Bad Barn Cats (2 brothers and their sister), while not accustomed to outsider cats, had at least grown up together and all spoke fluent Albany Kitteh. We tease Duzy Batz by telling him that he came to us with a thick Pennsylvania Dutch accent.
    My earlier offer still stands. Mr. Batz is a known felon feline, a dangerous biter of humans. No claws, but excellent teeth. You ever find the #@&* who abandoned Nik, we’ll be happy to have DB put a hurt on ‘im.

  • Erin says:

    Sometimes I could give the cats pills hidden inside those hairball medicine-filled treats. Fortunately, I didn’t have to pill often. Just insulin for one cat twice a day for 6 years. Let us not even talk about trying to give subcutaneous fluids….

    And Nikolai is adorable. I would love to help chip in for his dowry.

  • Anna says:

    That’s such a gorgeous photo, I’m melting!

    I do agree that Josef is quite a lot of cat. More to love, I suppose.

  • Jules says:

    @Robin: In the wholly imaginary and extremely lengthy biograhies I created for both my cats, Winnie is British and Betsey came from an Alabama plantation. Winnie speaks proper cat language, while Betsey’s mews sound more like vibrating duck quacks. Betsey doesn’t seem to know how to purr without throwing her whole 12 pound cat body into it and beating you about the head and face wit her contentment. We chalk this up to “southern hospitality”!

  • Keckler says:


    Man, I wish my cats did that but if one gets too close, the other has a slight and possibly neurologically-related freakout and bites her. Of course, he does it only after she’s been there for awhile.

    My cats don’t make sense.

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