“I wrote 63 songs this year. They’re all about Jeter.” Just kidding. The game we love, the players we hate, and more.
From Norman Mailer to Wendy Pepper — everything on film, TV, books, music, and snacks (shut up, raisins), plus the Girls’ Bike Club.
Helping public schools, winning prizes, sending a crazy lady in a tomato costume out in public.
Monologues, travelogues, fiction, and fart humor. And hens. Don’t forget the hens.
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I’d forgotten how funny it is — well, not funny, exactly, but witty. I remember not liking it that much when I read it the first time, so it’s a surprise that it’s actually …
A good, worthwhile read, but sometimes a little much with the I Get It attitude…by which I mean that, sometimes, sportswriters will take it upon themselves to lecture the reader on attitudes about athletics and …
I found it for reasonably cheap (note: not cheap, just reasonably so given the difficulty in tracking it down) and read it in what seemed like no time; he’s such a natural, easy writer, and …
It’s very good writing, pretty but spare, not like I remember the movie at all. It’s frustrating in spots, certainly, but if Wolff had had some sort of getting-it-together epiphany, it would have felt …
I can’t decide if I liked it or not. It’s well written and moves along, but I feel like a lot got left out — which is weird, given how much got left in. …
I liked the movie better, actually; Hinton’s narrators have a disingenuous way of talking about themselves that gets a bit irritating after a while, and it works better as film melodrama. Also, I used …
A sweet baseball reminiscence that could stand a tighter, cleaner edit — and unless you’re a Red Sox fan and/or you know a good deal about the game pre-1950, I don’t know that it’s the …
John Gregory Dunne’s dry prose is such a good fit with the movie industry; he’s really able to take the wind out of it, but without sounding bitter or mean. Good time capsule, good …
It’s meticulously researched, and some of the descriptions made me nauseated enough that I had to put the book down to read something else for a little while — but there’s still something irritating about …
The book is good — Styron’s prose is outstanding — but it’s too long; I like the movie better, because Styron does tend to get into sidebars that don’t feel necessary to the story, and …