“I wrote 63 songs this year. They’re all about Jeter.” Just kidding. The game we love, the players we hate, and more.
From Norman Mailer to Wendy Pepper — everything on film, TV, books, music, and snacks (shut up, raisins), plus the Girls’ Bike Club.
Helping public schools, winning prizes, sending a crazy lady in a tomato costume out in public.
Monologues, travelogues, fiction, and fart humor. And hens. Don’t forget the hens.
The Tomato Nation advice column addresses your questions on etiquette, grammar, romance, and pet misbehavior. Ask The Readers about books or fashion today!
People: It is a bad mood of historic proportions over here. If a normal bad mood is…I don’t know, a votive candle, then the current bad mood is the Hindenburg. And it’s not even a …
Hi Sars,
I love your site, and I especially love the Vine. Thanks for making my
workdays more pleasant!
I’ve been reading through your old archives recently, and I came
across “Down, Boy!” Now, I’m a grown woman, so …
Hey Sars,
I’m a pretty solitary guy by nature.I just finished college, and afterward I moved
back to the city I ran away from, the city I grew up in.I made some wonderful
friends in college, but few …
Hi Sars, I have a question for The Vine.Hopefully someone can laugh
at our misery, because it used to be funny for us, too.
My husband and I live in a ground-floor one-bedroom apartment.The
building is only two …
Wing Chun: Hello?
Sarah: …Dude.
Wing Chun: …I know.
Sarah: Dude.
Wing Chun: I know.
Sarah: You know that scene in Jason and the Argonauts with the skeletons?
Wing Chun: I…don’t think so.
Sarah: With the, where they’re swarming?
Wing Chun: I’d remember …
Hi Sars —
I have a question, but no idea who else to ask about
it. My boyfriend and I have been dating for about
four years now. We want to get married, but due to
lack of finances …
Dear Sars,
I work in academic research, and recently, to my pleasure, my boss has started relying more heavily on me to edit her writing for journals, grant proposals, and reviews. I’ve used a couple of …
O divine Sars,
I’m a senior in high school — turning 18 in less than a month — and I’m what could be considered a pretty good kid. My GPA is above a 4.0, I do …
It’s not often that a date that starts with margaritas strays into Googling the phrase “Nazis end argument,” but hey, it’s not that often that a date includes a blue Cosby sweater and Algerian conspiracy …
Hi, Sars,One of the things I like about your advice is that you have no problem telling people when to step off and mind their own business. So obviously, my question is about whether I …