
“I wrote 63 songs this year. They’re all about Jeter.” Just kidding. The game we love, the players we hate, and more.

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From Norman Mailer to Wendy Pepper — everything on film, TV, books, music, and snacks (shut up, raisins), plus the Girls’ Bike Club.

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Cinemarch Madness: Conference Polls
March 7, 2013 · 13 Comments
Cinemarch Madness: Conference Polls

This is the master list of Cinemarch Madness polls for the conference-play round. If it’s open, you can vote in it; if it’s closed, either it ended or you have to wait for the poll’s …

Cinemarch Madness: Conference Play
March 7, 2013 · 12 Comments
Cinemarch Madness: Conference Play

(I…right? The UNC game I watched last night with Dirk quadrupled what I know about college basketball, so pretend I made a hilarious joke about posting up and let’s move on.)
Thanks so much to everyone …

The Vine: March 6, 2013
March 6, 2013 · 26 Comments
The Vine: March 6, 2013

I’m attending a local community college and working in a student leadership position. I met a younger guy about nine months ago in a class I was a TA in last winter quarter. We got …

The Crushed Film Festival presents: The Vanishing (U.S.)
March 5, 2013 · 6 Comments
The Crushed Film Festival presents: <I>The Vanishing</I> (U.S.)

The Movie: The Vanishing (U.S.)
The Crush Object: Kiefer Sutherland
The Story: Barney Cousins (Jeff Bridges) rehearses an abduction using ether and a bunch of Ted Bundy-ish props, and is generally a creeper. Not coincidentally, Jeff (Kiefer) …

Cinemarch Madness: Intro and Nomination Round
March 4, 2013 · 307 Comments
Cinemarch Madness: Intro and Nomination Round

Greetings, friends and cinephiles, and welcome to Cinemarch Madness: the TN bracket that crowns the most heartbreaking film of all time.
The idea began years ago, at a bar that doesn’t exist anymore, with a scribbled …

The Vine: March 1, 2013
March 1, 2013 · 45 Comments
The Vine: March 1, 2013

I’m looking for a reusable, portable, leak-proof container in which to transport fruit juice to and fro in the world. I specify the juice part because apparently that makes me an oddity amongst the coffee-/tea- and …

In which I am gaslighted by my DVR remote
February 28, 2013 · 11 Comments
In which I am gaslighted by my DVR remote

Nobody else in my Twitter feed enjoyed last night’s “ripped from the Rihanna/Chris Brown headlines” episode of Law & Order: SVU either, which makes me feel a little better about the fact that nobody else in …

The Vine: February 27, 2013
February 27, 2013 · 43 Comments
The Vine: February 27, 2013

I need some dating guidance. I recently opened an online dating profile and hit it off right away with one of my matches. We had been communicating on the site for about a week when …

TN Read-Along #17: And I Don’t Want To Live This Life Discussion Thread
February 26, 2013 · 12 Comments
TN Read-Along #17: <I>And I Don’t Want To Live This Life</I> Discussion Thread

Alas, I can’t do a live chat after all; so sorry! Deadlines have intruded, as they tend to do.
I did finish And I Don’t Want To Live This Life, though, and I really felt for …

The Vine: February 22, 2013
February 22, 2013 · 28 Comments
The Vine: February 22, 2013

I’m looking to buy a new swimsuit, mine is all stretched out. Here’s the particulars: I live in SoCal, so I can and do swim pretty much year-round. The pool at my apartment is chlorinated …