Articles tagged with: books
Typhus, the Brooklyn Dodgers of Flatbush, lesser Kennedys, seminal animé (say that five times fast), Argentine nutbars, and cod on the Cape — plus the N Cereal AA and the fall contest.These stories and more, …
Today the bat was still there.Someone had neatly laid a strip of toilet paper over it.It was dead, its position unchanged.I left it there and did not use the sink, not out of disgust or …
A few administrative notes before Lobster Roll Tour 2009 commences on Saturday…
As you may have deduced from the previous sentence, I’m going on vacation for a couple of weeks. I may have internet access; …
I’d fooled myself into thinking I was a key part of the team, and that if there were cuts to be made they would come from the bottom. It’s like that old line about being …
I like Keith Hernandez, but as a TV commentator, he has weaknesses. Leaving aside the “what’s that betty doing in the dugout” incident, Hernandez tends to dwell more than I’d like on the kind of …
American Icon: The Fall of Roger Clemens and the Rise of Steroids in America’s Pastime is the work of four writers (Teri Thompson, Nathaniel Vinton, Michael O’Keeffe, and Christian Red), and you can kind of …
It starts out well.Author Rudy Marzano cuts straight to correcting misconceptions and debunking myths about the Dodgers and their fans, and the tone has a very faint sour top note — a whiff of simultaneous …
They’re all dead.But in a story, which is a kind of dreaming, the dead sometimes smile and sit up and return to the world.
When I open a book and begin to read, and I have …
On balance, an excellent read in spite of some frustrating overwriting.Plum-colored prose is a frequent fault of baseball books that I can tolerate at some times better than at others; here it’s bothersome because Verducci …
The other day, I received an email from reader Todd K in which he crabbed at length about Jeff Pearlman’s new book on Roger Clemens.I had just read in Sports Illustrated‘s baseball preview issue that …