Articles tagged with: books
If you’re going to hide the body, try…actually hiding it.
I’ve read nearly everything Joe McGinniss has written. The Selling of the President is great, straight-ahead reporting; it has a new-journalism twist to it, I guess, …
I’ve never broken up with a guy based on his literary tastes (or lack of same), but then, I don’t let it get to relationship status in the first place if the guy doesn’t read, …
It’s Opening Day, ladies and gentlemen, thank God, and even though the Yanks have already gotten rained out for the home opener, it’s an embarrassment of baseball riches around the dial right now — KC/Detroit, …
After Michelle’s comment about the novella in the comments on Misery, I went over to Wikipedia to read the summary, because I’ve always wondered if I interpreted the ending correctly. Spoilery discussion after the jump.
I’m out of town for a few days; while I’m gone, I’ll be finishing Posner’s Case Closed, and starting I Love You, Beth Cooper and that book on the TV-news wars Kim lent me months …
John Grisham’s fiction isn’t my thing — the one novel I read twenty years ago was plenty — but I read good reviews of The Innocent Man, his foray into non-fiction/true crime, and I had …
Reader Alexis had this to add re: the Vine letter of March 4:
The case of “hard to underestimate” that you discussed in The Vine recently was investigated on the linguistics blog Language Log in 2004: …
After posting about the Dewey Donation System last week, I got an email from Logan Kleinwaks, the president of an organization called Book Wish Foundation. Logan asked,
Dear Sarah,
I just found Tomato Nation through an article …
I had read it before, 20 years ago. I’m glad I read it again, because the story has more resonance for a 35-year-old than for a 15-year-old — not that 15-year-olds won’t “get it,” but …
Apologies for the radio silence; I was in Florida on a family matter and haven’t had much of a chance to respond to various emails. Let’s just say that the phrase “stealth cat pee” figured …