Articles tagged with: fat cats

I’m writing to you with yet another cat question as I know you’ve introduced new cats into your house at different times over the years.

It’s not the pawprints themselves. …Well, it’s not JUST the pawprints themselves.

Fringe. Weird season so far. I went into last season thinking they’d have trouble making the two-universe storyline work, but they totally did. This season, I had no doubt that they’d make it work, and …

It’s amazing how little time it takes for all my stuff — messenger bag; computer bag; duffel bag; suitcase — to explode across a hotel room. I try to repack as I go along, but …

4:30 PM update, with snoozing visual aids Mabel (L) and “Little” Joe (R)
$83,738! And my tax refund arrived in the mail today, so in addition to giving away shirts (explained below), I’d also like to …

Mabel, formerly “Mei-Mei,” formerly “Betty,” arrived at my house July 4th weekend as a foster cat, tiny, bitter, and silent. At first, she hid on a bathroom shelf, and tried to impersonate a Scrubbing Bubble …

I thought, at this late date, that I’d heard pretty much every meow the cats had to offer. Aggrieved “yes, there’s kibble in my bowl, but you have to come watch me eat it” wail? …
Hi Sars —
I have wonderful, sweet, loving kitty cats, and I’m about to throw them out the window.
They both have good manners when it comes to using their litterbox. Everything goes in the correct place, …
Sadie The Cat-Tormenting Tomato.
Anticlimactic, kind of, because the padding in the tomato suit radically reduces the risk of injury, but I said I’d do it, so: done.
And I’d like to tell you my apartment …