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Articles tagged with: health and beauty

The Vine: June 8, 2000
June 8, 2000 – 10:42 AM | No Comment

Sarah,I know you don’t have kids but I need an opinion, and you seem to have a lot of those. Good ones, I might add. My daughter is eight and already standing at the edge …

The Vine: June 7, 2000
June 7, 2000 – 10:03 AM | No Comment

Dear Sars,Dear God I think I’m turning into my mother. For the past two months or so I have been suffering bouts of panic (not full-fledged attacks). This generally occurs at 2 am almost every …

The Vine: May 23, 2000
May 23, 2000 – 12:18 PM | No Comment

Miss Bunting,
I have a problem with eating . . . I suppose you’d call me anorexic, although I don’t like to put it like that because it’s kind of embarrassing and weird. But recently it’s …