Articles tagged with: kids

Hi Sars — I’ve enjoyed your site for years and hope to tap into the book knowledge that you and your readers have. I have a 7-year-old son who is a voracious reader. I love …

The holiday season is looming and I’m trying to figure out how to deal with a situation before it becomes a Situation. (Could be worse. Could be The Situation…) Brief background: we’re thirtysomethings who live …

I searched the Vine archives but didn’t find an answer to this gift etiquette question, so here goes: my in-laws’ best friends sent us a large gift for my kiddos (an art easel) that I …

I have a question for the cat-happy readers of Tomato Nation. I’m six months pregnant with my first child. We have three cats, and I would like some advice on how to introduce the baby …

I am hoping you and your readers may be able to provide me with some advice on dealing with my mother-in-law.
I have been with my partner for almost six years. He is one of three …

Two weeks ago, my fiancé, J, went to sleep and didn’t wake up the next day. He was 31 years old, generally healthy, and we still don’t know exactly what happened. We are waiting for …
Hi Sars,
My husband and I have a close-knit group of friends, all couples, mostly, and they all are starting to have kids.It is not an exaggeration when I say all of them: it is quite …
Dear Sars,
I’m looking for a great self-help book that can teach me how to deal with difficult people. Specifically, my sister-in-law Carrie.
If I spend too much time trying to describe her, it will only make …
Hello Sars,
Sometime back in 1976-1980, I had a Snoopy plush doll that was about 10″ (or so) tall, and one could buy outfits for him separately.There was a motorcycle outfit, a baseball outfit, a pajamas …
Is there any way that you can ask your readers if there’s a good “all-in-one” baby registry out there on the interwebs? I’m looking for one sitethat searches a bunch of different stores for …