Articles tagged with: Little Joe

I’m writing to you with yet another cat question as I know you’ve introduced new cats into your house at different times over the years.

Angels, prepare to receive among you my little friend. Please make him welcome with people food, especially Kix, because he likes to chase them, and lettuce, because I still don’t know why, but I know …

Everything. K, great: on to Film #2!
…Fine, it doesn’t get everything wrong. It’s not necessarily objectively terrible. The writing does a handful of things I can’t stand, though, and starts doing them immediately, so I …

1988 Sarah says, “Let’s celebrate $6,481 with a styrofoam garland and a gigantic sweater!”
Sadly, I could not find any pictures dating from my freshman year; you’ll just have to take my word that my school …

I thought, at this late date, that I’d heard pretty much every meow the cats had to offer. Aggrieved “yes, there’s kibble in my bowl, but you have to come watch me eat it” wail? …

As of this writing, $69,702.
Please draw the appropriate parallel between this nauseatingly cute photo of Hobeshka and Josef and my warm fuzzy feelings for all of you. (Note: parallel should not contain humping.)

Congratulations on buying $8000 worth of fireworks, guy who lives one block from me, but do you think maybe you want to save a few of them for the actual Fourth Of July, instead of …