Articles tagged with: Michael Kay

With the Dodgers still in the lead at the beginning of June, it seemed like a good time to talk to a Bums fan about Kemp’s DL stint, the end of the McCourt era, and …

In this installment of Out With The Crowd, I talked with TN/baseball regular commenter — and level-headed Red Sox fan — BSD about Cherington agonistes, chicken tattletales, and stabilizing douchebags. We spoke on April 21 …

In the car earlier today, I decided to listen to “The Michael Kay Show” on ESPN. Well, maybe I should rephrase that; I decided not to listen to my iPod (forgot it at home), or …

I’ll tell you exactly what did it.
I’d bought Bean tickets to a Mets game for her birthday, and she kindly invited me to go with her. We arranged to meet up at our seats, and …

I like Keith Hernandez, but as a TV commentator, he has weaknesses. Leaving aside the “what’s that betty doing in the dugout” incident, Hernandez tends to dwell more than I’d like on the kind of …