Articles tagged with: movies
I’d read a number of reviews prior to seeing this movie which suggested that it suffers from a split personality — the first half is a genial, Albert-Brooks-flavored baseball movie, while the second half is …
Weird little movie. James Hogue is a weird little guy, so that fits. Hogue is the dude who got taken out of a Princeton classroom in handcuffs back in ’91 for, basically, impersonating a sophomore (he was …
How about the “Father’s Day” music video from Guyz Nite?
Yes, that’s Mr. Stupidhead in the bear outfit. Obvi.
(Looking for the Die Hard vid? It’s here, with a new fourth verse, but is yippee ki …
It’s slow to get rolling, and I came thisclose to turning it off, because a couple of the initial fight sequences looked fake on the level of high-school-play slap choreography. But the payoff is very …
“If PBS Had A Movie-Awards Gala…”
A star-studded, faintly mothball-scented evening of battles and ball gowns, the Hissies — hosted by Doris Kearns Goodwin, who will allegedly write her own material — celebrate the epic stories …
Seems like Edith Wharton is having a renaissance — the new biography is out (I’ve bought it, but haven’t dug in yet), and Domino had a piece on decorating in the Wharton style, which I …
It does have some pacing problems, and a tendency to fall back on trite background imagery during voice-overs, but these are pretty minor complaints overall; the story itself is painstakingly assembled and chilling. One …
Fabulous!Again with the weird hats on Rosalind Russell — was that in her studio contract or something? — but it’s so silly and catty and it zips right along.Thumbs up.(7/3/06)
Worthwhile once you get to the end, but really unfun to watch — which is partly a compliment to Gena Rowlands’s performance (un! comfortable!), partly a comment on Cassavetes movies in general (awk! ward! and! …
What a marvelous movie.Over and over again, I would start to feel a stirring of impatience with the repetition and the collaging, only to get sucked back by an image or a twist.And what splendid …