Articles tagged with: publishing
The proliferation of “in” belt styles. It seems like, in ages past, you had one kind of standard belt at a time — one width. In high school, skinny belt. After college, wider belt. You …
Idly reading a New York piece in which Mary Gordon and A.M. Homes interview each other about the experience of writing “mother books,” I found two fantastic quotations from Homes that made me sit up …
Seems like Edith Wharton is having a renaissance — the new biography is out (I’ve bought it, but haven’t dug in yet), and Domino had a piece on decorating in the Wharton style, which I …
I’ve had an on-again, off-again relationship with New York for years — never had a complaint with them as an employee, but as a subscriber, whenever I let my subscription lapse, it was because of …
Long ago, in an economy far far away, I had a job at Holtzbrinck Electronic Publishing. Holtzbrinck, a German company with many American-publishing holdings, also owned Scientific American, at least at that time; also at …
I don’t care how desperately Time needs to drive up newsstand sales — no dearth of actual news, no market-research addled kowtowing to their bottom line can excuse the cover of their July 21 issue.In …
Yesterday, I went to the grocery store.I don’t like to go to the grocery store, for several reasons.First, most ofthe other shoppers assume that nobody else in the store has anything better to do than …
“VF pile” is currently an item on my to-do list. A chore, in other words. Current number of issues in the pile: two, a twelve-month low.
In order to afford anything advertised within, I would have …
Let me just say right up front that I don’t have a problem with celebrity journalism per se. I don’t disapprove of gossip, God knows, or think that it’s any particular shame that movie stars …
It’s year-in-review time in the publishing world, the hallowed season during which print journalists forgo researching and developing actual features in favor of throwing together lists of The Stories That Touched Our Hearts, thereby freeing …