Articles tagged with: writing
It’s not an official break-up yet, but I may need some space, some time to figure out if this is what I really want.
The show isn’t bad; the acting is still top-notch, and the cast …
My latest 90210 recap is up on “Weezy”? Really, writers?
Also, in case you don’t plan to fly US Airways in the near future, you can read my Brooklyn piece in the in-flight …
A comprehensive piece by Omar G on Twittiquette/Twitter annoyances.
My new favorite site, via Glark: Sexy People.
My latest Dirty Sexy Money write-up for SOAPnet. (SHUT UP, LISA.)
Critical Condition is actually the beautiful and talented Mark Blankenship’s blog, and I’ve got a guest piece up over there about the return of Unsolved Mysteries.
Simon Tofield is back, with his cat, in “TV Dinner.” Do not drink hot coffee while watching.You may, however, make fun of me for having the premiere date of Tofield’s latest entered into my Outlook …
“After I finish shaving you, I’ll spoon-feed you some exposition.”
I hesitate to criticize Stephen King film adaptations that turn out well, because so many of them don’t, and Misery is a good one — …
As I just said in the Michael Clayton comments, sometimes a movie I go into expecting two hours of torture will fare better in my esteem merely by not sucking as much as I’d expected …
The TWoP site director asked me to do a little write-up for TWoP of my adventures on Friday — presumably in exchange for disrupting the office — and you can read it here. When you’ve …
What do they have in common?They’ve both made me very very tired today — the P. of I. because he clogged up traffic something fierce in midtown all day long, and excuse me, but why …
Or, as I like to call it, “Shite The Shites”:
As we fade up on the Whedon household, whimsical flutes and sleigh bells on the soundtrack signal us that it’s The Christma-sode. Not sure you get …